

What's New in WEB OF SCIENCE?


Emerging Sources Citation Index 

Web of Science Core Collection Subscribers now have access to Emerging Sources Citation Index. ESCI reflects content from journals in the Arts & Humanities, Social Sciences, and Sciences that have passed the first round of Thomson Reuters selection process (peer reviewed content from none predatory journals that are of scholarly interest) but have not passed their elevated review standards necessary for inclusion in the SCIE/SSCI/AHCI editions; a review that includes examining the timeliness, editorial diversity, and relative citation impact of the journal.


Additional high-quality, peer-reviewed publications of regional importance and in emerging research fields by key opinion leaders, funders, and evaluators worldwide.


Russian Science Citation Index

In collaboration with the Scientific Electronic Library (eLibrary.RU), the Russian Science Citation Index on Web of Science™ enables discovery of new insights from Russian publications.


Covers fields such as engineering, material science, and ecology