

Library Displays

The Library receives many requests from the university community to put up displays and post advertisements or brochures in the Library. The Library encourages use of space in the building for displays of general interest by University staff and students promoting University related activities and/or organisations.

The following conditions apply to all displays, exhibits, advertisements, brochures or other informational material:

1. Library sponsored displays are given priority in allocating the display space.

2. No poster, display, exhibit, pamphlet, brochure, leaflet or booklet shall be exhibited or placed in the Library for distribution without permission from the Director: Library Services or his/her representative.

3. Space permitting, the Library will post announcements of the cultural activities of the community and public announcements of general interest to the community.

4. In all instances the Library reserves the right to refuse any item for display it considers in bad taste or of doubtful value.

5. Book displays should always reflect the Library's collections and/or the University's curriculum.

6. Displays must have educational value.

7. No religious or party political interests may be advertised or promoted.

8. Posting of notices and distribution of material does not imply endorsement by the Library.

9. The Library cannot be held responsible for the loss or damage of non-library material displayed.

Senate 2000.02.07

Last Modified: Mon, 07 Dec 2015 11:12:22 SAST