The purpose of this week is to continue raising awareness of Open Access to our academic community.
The theme for this year’s international OA Week is “Designing Equitable Foundations for Open Knowledge”.
International Open Access Week is an opportunity to
- take action in making "openess" the default for research
- in turn raising the visibility of scholarship,
- accelerating research and
- turning breakthroughs into better lives.
Bearing this in mind, the OA and RUL Marketing teams have designed a number of awareness activities.
- Power point presentations covering aspects of Open Access will be displayed on the screens on levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Main Library as well as in the Post Graduate Commons (PGC).
- Poster displays designed both to explain and to create an awareness of Open Access at Rhodes University will be set up in the PGC, the Research Commons (RC) and the Library Foyer.
- Faculty Liaison Librarians will create displays on their respective floors.
Please take time to look at the various displays in the library and if you have any questions the Faculty Liaison librarians will be happy to help you.
The Open Access Subject Guide is an excellent place to start your search!!