

Improving publishing skills of young academics


Author Seminar

11th of August 2015

13:00 – 16:00

Rhodes University, Rhodes Library,

Xstrata Training Room, Level 2

Presented by: Dr. Luaine Bandounas

Elsevier, in collaboration with the Rhodes University, are pleased to invite you to attend an Rhodes Elsevier Seminar "Strategies to increase the quality and the impact of scientific publications".

The objective of this Seminar is to introduce young researchers to a series of guidelines which will allow them to direct their academic works, obtain a basic methodology and learn some stylistic resources which are necessary to develop a good research article, according to the criteria required by the majority of national and international academic journals. The speaker will share her experiences and proposals about the processes of editing and publishing articles, which will hopefully contribute to improve the quality and visibility of the scientific production. For a complete bio about the speaker please visit her page on LinkedIn

Come and learn about:

  •  How to get published in a scholarly journal.
  •  How to be a great reviewer.
  •  Journal metrics and all there is to know.
  •  Research and publish your findings ethically.

Please logon to our registration link and register yourself to ensure receiving your certificate of attendance 

Survey link will be sent to the registered participants after the workshop 

More free online resources available for early career researchers:

Rhodes Elsevier Seminar