

Ms. Nhlakanipho Mahlangu SRCS semester report 2018



Semester Report:


Assisted in the planning of O-week, Greatfield Party and Noodle drive.

Assisted students with academic and financial appeals.

Began the Planning of the SRC legacy project

Attended committee meetings as required

Attended substructure team building exercises

Currently working on the SRC legacy project (Mbokodo caucus).

Drafted Crime Wise campaign proposal for committee with community stakeholders.

Assisted in the planning of Silent protest

Consulting with the Equity and institutional culture office on programmes and plans.

Devising systems with the office of the the Dean of Student Affairs to ensure the efficient delivery of student services and provisions.

Assisted the Activism and Transformation representative in the planning of Mam’Winnie’s vigil and the subsequent engagement on Black female Rage; ubumama no bu Mbokodo.



Time is a challenges given the many administrative demands and the  length of the term of office.

The nature of the role is very broad and all encompassing. As such, it is easy to get carried away in supporting the endeavours of other councilors; forgetting to pioneer one’s own.




The launch of mbokodo caucus

The launch of the crime wise campaign

Silent Protest and engagement on leadership in the space that is Rhodes. 

Engagement interrogating the IDP with DSA and student body and alignment of plans