Enlightening First year students
- Orientation week’ –workshops - 5th-9th of February 2018
The main idea of the workshops was to create a space whereby the first year students could challenge their thinking. Challenging their thinking in the form of opening up a space for people to engage with various social identities that exist on campus. To create an inclusive culture that understands the complexities of intersectionality, at Rhodes University.
- Transformation reps first sitting ‘meeting’- 22nd of Ferbruary 2018
In this meeting we discussed our ten point plan of how we would like to transform campus this year. To ensure that every residence rep has an idea for the planning of their year.
- Transformation reps formal training session-17th of March 2018
This training session is where the trans reps will learn how to be effective reps for their houses. It is also the day we will be discussing the events for the whole year, and in particular the ‘Student Transformation Summit’. To see the Trans reps more comfortable, and knowledgeable in their portfolio throughout the year. (This training was fully funded and organised by the E & IC office).
- Trans formation rep meeting-9th of April 2018
The second meeting with the Activism and transformation representatives. This meeting was designed more in particular to speak about the preparations of the Winnie documentary.
- Freedom day Privilege Race-27th of April 2018
‘Ultimate race’. This event is one that is organised by the E&IC office and fully funded by them. It will take place on the Great Field. The point of this event it is to make people cognisant of their privilege and how this informs their lived experience, and freedom.
- Trans Awareness-31st of March 2018
This awareness day was done done via social media.
This event took place on social media. It was to create a growth in people’s knowledge about Trans and non-binary bodies.
- Winnie Madikizela Mandela Vigil-13th April 2018
This event was recognising the life of mam’Wnnie, expressing in the form of speeches and songs.
- 3rd Activism and Transformation meeting- 16th of April 2018
This is a meeting we are having with the SRC sub-structures. The main thing we discussed on the calendar is the; Activism calendar’.
- Screening of the ‘Winnie’ doccie-20th of April 2018
Debunking ‘Black fe/male rage ubumama, ubumbokodo’. We discussed in this evet the complexities of the black womhoods experience, and their existence in general in the context of South Africa. The E&IC are also assisting us. (The E &IC office provided refreshments for us).
- Transformation meeting- 23rd April 2018
We spoke about the preparation the Freedom day, Privilege race, Inxeba and June 16.
- GENACT-13TH of April 2018
The main objective we wanted to achieve was to get Nkoli-Fassie and GAP society (presidents) to be part of this forum for they are the voice of the students.
We were able to get the presidents of these societies in this forum. This will create a much better environment and authentic voice for students who need transformation surrounding gender development on campus.