

Health and Safety Committee bet36体育投注_bet36体育在线—激情赢盈中√ of Reference

Rhodes University's health and safety committee is a statutory body, guided by the Occupational Health and Safety Act (85 of 1993). In terms of Section 19 (Health and safety committees) and Section 20 (Functions of health and safety committees), the following apply:

Duties of the Committee

A health and safety committee should:

  • Meet every three (3) months or more often - the main RU health and safety committee is an institutional committee that meets four times a year, with additional meetings set where required;

  • Discuss incidents in which someone was killed, injured, or became ill;

  • Make recommendations to the employer regarding health and safety matters;

  • Keep a record of all recommendations for at least 3 years.

Purpose of meetings

The purpose of health and safety committee meetings is for the employer to consult with the committee “…with a view to initiating, developing, promoting, maintaining and reviewing measures to ensure the health and safety of his employees”. What this means:

  • Initiating: putting measures in place and starting systems that promote employees’ health and safety.

  • Developing: strengthening and improving these measures to ensure health and safety.

  • Promoting: raising awareness and making sure that all employees follow health and safety measures.

  • Maintaining: keeping up these efforts on an ongoing basis to ensure health and safety.

  • Reviewing: checking and evaluating the success of these health and safety measures.

The committee should consist of health and safety reps (at least 50% of the total)), and of employees appointed to represent the employer (not more than 50% of the total).


Go to the Rhodes University Safety front page. Questions/Suggestions? Contact safety(at)

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Last Modified: Mon, 20 Nov 2017 17:06:19 SAST