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Professor David Edwards

Professor Dave Edwards

Professor of Psychology

MA (Oxon), MA, PhD (Rhodes), CPsychol

Registered as a Psychologist (Clinical) with the Professional Board for Psychology of South Africa (HPCSA)

Founding Fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy (

Certified as a Schema Therapist by the International Society for Schema Therapy (

Cell: +27 (0)83 304 2238
Fax: +27 (0)86 647 0956

David Edwards retired at the end of 2009 from the full time Professor post he had held since 1985. He is now on a part time contract and does research supervision, research writing and some post-graduate teaching. He also runs a private practice as a cCinical Psychologist and offers advanced training in psychotherapy particularly in the areas of trauma / posttraumatic stress disorder and schema therapy.

His current research focuses on:

1. Writing South African case studies that document the application of psychotherapy interventions in local context. Many of these are case studies of the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder that arose out of an NRF funded project that was completed at the end of 2009.

List of publications on trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder

2. Application of imagery techniques and other experiential methods in psychotherapy and the history of their development and use.

List of publications on the use of imagery in psychotherapy

3. The development and promotion of case study methodology in the scientific development of psychotherapy interventions. This has given rise to a series of publications on case study research methodology and more than a dozen articles that are case studies of clinical applications of case studies

Publications on case study research methodology

David Edwards Clinical case studies.pdf

He has also developed guidelines to help clinicians and researchers plan and write good quality reports on systematic case studies

Guidelines for writing a systematic case study

David Edwards’ co-authored book Conscious and Unconscious was published in 2000 in the series: Core concepts in Psychotherapy

While writing this book he wrote two articles published in the Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology on aspects of consciousness and unconscious processes:

Edwards, D. J. A. (2003). Mythic and theoretic aspects of the concept of ‘the unconscious’ in popular and psychological discourse. Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology, 3. Available at

Edwards, D. J. A. (2005). Unconscious influences on discourses about consciousness: Ideology, state-specific science and unformulated experience. Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology, 5 (1). Available at

For access to full text of several of his research publications, go to:

For other aspects of David Edwards’ professional career, research and writing, see:

David Edwards full cv

List of conference presentations from 2000

List of recent publications (since 2000)

List of earlier publications (1972 to 1998)

Last Modified: Fri, 14 Feb 2020 10:16:02 SAST