


The History Department operates on a semester system. Students should note that some departments in the Faculty of Humanities have semesterised, while others have not. Please bear this in mind when planning your courses.

What does semesterisation mean for History students?

Semesterisation means that you do not need to do History for a whole year, but can do a semester of History (i.e. two-terms of history) and then choose another semesterised course for the other semester.

Semesterised courses are 'written-off' at the end of the semester.

Please note that this does not apply to the Honours course.

First-Year History

The first-level course (formerly History 1) is divided into two separate courses, History 101 and History 102.

The History 101 paper is written off in June, and the History 102 paper in November. Students who fail the History 101 paper in June can rewrite the paper in November.

Students who fail either History 101 or History 102, but achieve an overall aggregate of 50% or more in both courses will be deemed to have passed both courses, on condition that a minimum mark of 40% is obtained in the failed course.

Students may register for History 102 at the beginning of the second semester without having taken History 101. Such a student, who passes History 102, may be permitted to proceed to History 201, and, at the discretion of the Head of Department may either be exempted from History 101 or permitted to register for History 201 concurrently with History 101.

Students who pass History 101 but fail History 102 or who pass History 102 but fail History 101 may be permitted to proceed to History 201, but may also be required to repeat History 101 or 102 concurrently with History 201 or 202 in the second semester.

Second-Year History

Second-level courses are divided into History 201 and History 202.

The History 201 exam is written off in June, History 202 in November.

Students who fail either History 201 or History 202 but achieve an overall aggregate of 50% or more in both courses will be deemed to have passed both courses on condition that a minimum mark of 40% is obtained in the failed course.

Students who fail History 201 with a mark of 40-49% can proceed to History 202, but such students who are majoring in History will be required to repeat History 201 concurrently with their third-year courses, if an overall aggregate pass is not achieved. The same rule applies to majoring students who pass History 201, but fail History 202.

Students not majoring in History may, with the permission of the Head of Department, register for History 201 and/or History 202 without having previously taken either first-level course in History.

Third-Year History

Third-level courses each have their own code, for example History 301, 312, etc. Students generally have to choose between two options per term, and will do four courses in total if majoring in History.

Students who achieve an overall aggregate of 50% or more in their four courses will be deemed to have passed all courses on condition that a minimum mark of 40% is obtained in the failed course and that not more than one course is failed at third-year level.

Students not majoring in History may, with the permission of the Head of Department, register for one or more third-level courses without any History prerequisites.

Last Modified: Tue, 16 May 2017 12:03:55 SAST