

Editor's choice for Gladman's paper

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Gladman's paper, entitled "Local people and conservation officals' perceptions on relationships and conflicts in South African protected areas" has been selected as one of the Editor's choices in the International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management. This journal aims to improve our understanding of the role of biodiversity in providing ecosystem services and of the management systems needed to maintain biodiversity and achieve sustainable use of ecosystem services. Research published in the journal addresses biodiversity and/or ecosystem services in an interdisciplinary way and provides findings and recommendations that are relevant for decision making on ecosystem services and biodiversity, sustainable land and water management, land-use planning and conservation.  Gladman's paper was selected, amongst other reasons, as being the most downloaded.  The paper, with second author Georgina Cundill, previously a lecturer in the department, used data from 13 nature reserves in South Africa to explore the different perceptions of local people and officials and found that there were sharp contrasts in these perceptions.  The findings will have profound implications for conservation, especially considering the importance of getting local people's support in protected areas.