AFRICITY project gets under way
The multi-country AFRICITY project got under way in the first half of 2017. AFRICITY is a three-year collaborative research and training project with sites in Malawi, South Africa and Tanzania. It seeks to examine the causes and effects of environmental change and resource use in Sub-Saharan African cities. The project will consider the rapid social and economic transformation processes and their external and internal drivers, and assesses the barriers for potentials of social adaptability in the context of inequity, risk, resourcefulness and rights to the city, all with an emphasis on their role, potential and governance of urban green infrastructure. The AFRICITY project is sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), with the lead institution being the Institute of Geography at the University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany. Besides the Dept of Environmental Science at Rhodes, other collaborating partners include LEAD at the University of Malawi (Malawi), Sokoine University (Tanzania), College of Business Education (Tanzania) and GeoSolutions (Germany). Each institution will host PhD and Masters students who will be an integral part of the research process, as well as participate in regular fields trips and cross-country learning groups and courses. More details can be found at