

News from the #ARJC Conference

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ARJC conference
ARJC conference

The Abortion & Reproductive Justice: The Unfinished Revolution III conference is hosted by the Critical Studies in Sexualities and Reproduction (CSSR) research program of Rhodes University in conjunction with the Department of Social Development; the International Campaign for Women's Right to Safe Abortion and the Sexual & Reproductive Justice Coalition. The conference is currently taking place until the 12th July 2018.

The conference has gained much traction on social media using the hashtags #ARJC and #RepJustice3. The DSD is producing daily newsletters covering various aspects of this event. You can find the latest newsletters below. 

DSD newsletter 1

DSD Newsletter 2

#ARJC Newsletter 11 July

# ARJC Letter 12 July

The conference was also covered on national TV by the SABC. Here are some of the links to the interviews

International conference on reproductive justice - Jacques van Zuydam
International conference on Abortion & Reproductive Justice - Iviwe Poti
Abortion and Reproductive Justice conference in the Eastern Cape


To get an idea of what was presented at this conference, you can download  the ARJC Abstract booklet