

Documenting the effects of the Global Gag Rule: some findings by the International Women’s Health Coalition

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IWHC group meeting in Zambia
IWHC group meeting in Zambia

The International Women’s Health Coalition (IWHC) is documenting the effects of the Global Gag Rule in the different sociopolitical contexts of affected countries. The Global Gag Rule is a policy that prohibits non US organizations receiving funding from the US government from participating in acts that are seen as actively promoting abortion. IWHC has worked with the CSSR to produce a data driven report on the effects of the Global Gag Rule across three countries, Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa. The CSSR has been integral to the design of the documentation project, lending their research expertise and knowledge to the research process. This has included aspects such as research design and data processing done in collaboration with IWHC, the Trust for Indigenous Culture And Health (TICAH) and Education as a Vaccine (EVA). The IWHC documentation project is an ongoing collaborative project that will continue to monitor the effects of the Global Gag Rule, so please feel free to check this blog for any updates.

Here are the preliminary findings with some recommendations on the effects of the Global Gag Rule in affected countries so far:

You can view the policy brief too: