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The course is for Rhodes University postgraduate students, Staff and Postdocs. The course is for researchers who plan to use advanced statistics
for data analysis.
They need to complete introductory courses on DataCamp or the Introduction to R course (or have experience of using R) prior to undertaking this one.
Link to register:
The course will run over the following dates: 24-26 May & 1-2 June 2022
The aim of this course is to equip postgraduate students and researchers with some analytical tools to assist them with their data analysis in their studies. Analysis and statistics are an important component of many research projects. An understanding of the techniques and methods is important for their correct use and interpretation. This course will focus on an introduction to multivariate techniques. R statistical software which will be used throughout the course has become a popular tool for data storage, manipulation and particularly data analysis.
All participants must have a computer with the latest version of R and R Studio installed. All participants must have access to ZOOM for the online sessions.
The course is for researchers who plan to use advanced statistics for data analysis. They need to complete introductory courses on DataCamp or the Introduction to R course (or have experience of using R) prior to undertaking this one.
At the end of the course, students should be able to use R statistical software to run standard multivariate statistical techniques and be able to understand and interpret the results that they obtain.
The course will cover generalized linear models, log-linear models, an introduction to analysis of variance, multivariate techniques (principal components and correspondence analysis) and mixed-effects models.
The course will be run by Dr Victoria Goodall. Besides teaching statistics to students and staff across the country, Dr Goodall undertakes research in Statistical ecology; Hidden Markov Models; and Animal movement modelling. She is a private consultant and a research associate at Nelson Mandela University.
Those course participants who wish to achieve a Rhodes University certificate of competence will need to successfully complete two practical assignments applying the techniques learnt in the course.
The course is offered via ZOOM. You need to attend ALL sessions. Please do not sign up if you cannot attend the classes as spaces are limited and we need to keep these for people able to attend the whole course.