Give5 is a fundraising campaign run by students to raise money for fellow students. The campaign is aimed to provoke a spirit of philanthropy in students and provides them with an opportunity to help ‘one of their own’. The money raised goes towards the UBUNTU FUND to the Pocket Money Fund category. Currently 94 students are being assisted with R200 a month Pocket Money which helps them to buy essential toiletries.
?The success of the campaign falls onto the give5 Committee and Volunteer Co-ordinators. They alternatively rely on the Senior Student, together with another House Committee member, from each Residence, to galvanise the students into planning and participating in the fundraising activities. Without the two representatives from each Res participating, the campaign would be in jeapardy of failing. The Residence that raises the most money recieves a Flat Screen Television and the Hall that raises the most, wins the give5 Floating Trophy. Competition between the Halls are fierce and creates a friendly edge to the Campaign.
The 2018 give5 campaign continues to be a successful fundraiser by our students. With much preparation beforehand, the students’ activities throughout the week were admirable and very inventive. The Fire Walk was extremely successful with 40 brave students walking over five metres of red hot coals. Of the experience, each participant expressed feeling as if they could conquer the world!
R71 586.00 was raised, which is an indication of the determination and focus of our current students. The full amount will go towards the Pocket Money Fund, incorporated with the SRC UBUNTU Fund and further fundraising will continue throughout the year.
If you would like to add to the fund, please contact to pledge a monthly amount from your salary, or to make a once off payment with your credit card, please click here /donate.
The give5 Committee would like to extend their gratitude to not only the students, but also the staff members who were so involved and active in helping to raise funds. . Fundraising will continue throughout the year with alumni and our students to increase the amount raised, in order to enable us to increase the Pocket Money Fund for next year. We continue to carry on with the Dignity Drive and ask for toiletry donations to be dropped off at the DSA or Alumni Relations Office as we cannot keep up with the need.
The three Residences that raised the most Money:
- Botha House – receives the sponsored flat screen TV from Pick n Pay!
- Livingstone House
- Dingemans House
The Three Halls that raised the most Money:
- Founders - keeps the give5 Trophy for another year!
- Hobson
- Desmond Tutu
Comprehensive list on Student Fundraising Activities
Raffles Jelly Bean Count Games Night Dress Down or Up Day Charity Ball Band or Choir Concert
Photo Shoot Chesa Nyama Sales and Services Spa Night Auctions
Comprehensive Event-Planning Schedule
give5 is run on a competitive basis, in that the Residence that raises the most money wins a flat screen TV and the Hall wins the give5 Trophy.
We accept Visa, MasterCard. All online credit card donations are processed through MyGate, using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) data encryption technology. To donate online click HERE (under comments, please put give5and the Residence you are supporting)
EFT, direct deposit or Internet Banking
Account Name: Rhodes University
Bank: First National Bank
Branch: Grahamstown
Branch code: 210717
Account no: 62145508894
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ
If you choose this option, please use your Initial and Surname + Ref: GIVE5 + RES and e-mail to alert them of the payment