Rhodes University has been registered as a beneficiary of MySchool. Any money raised through this partnership will be channelled through the Old Rhodian Union into the bursary fund for children and grandchildren of Old Rhodians.
MySchool is South Africa's foremost community support programme and gives Old Rhodians in South Africa a vehicle through which to make a meaningful contribution to the Old Rhodian Bursary Fund. This is not a donation service, but a true partnership between beneficiaries and MySchool business partners. MySchool effectively facilitates support on behalf of a range of business partners who have a specific interest in education. Supporters use their MySchool supporter cards whenever they transact with one of the MySchool business partners. A small percentage of their transaction is then allocated to their beneficiary school. All these transactions are recorded and a statement is sent to individual supporters on a monthly basis. The supporter card is not a debit or credit card but serves as a measure through which valuable supporter data, such as transactions and funds raised for a particular school, are tracked. This is not a donation service, but a true partnership between schools and business partners.
To read more about MySchool please go to http://www.myschool.co.za/
To get your MySchool supporters card please go to http://www.myschooltest.co.za/application/villages/myschool_form.php - don’t forget to register Rhodes University as your beneficiary.
To read about MySchool partners please go to http://www.myschool.co.za/index.php/partners
Last Modified: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 15:00:23 SAST