

Graduation 2014

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The department celebrated the achievements of its graduating students at a cocktail party on Friday 11 April 2014, prior to the science faculty graduation ceremony. The hard work of both first-time graduands and postgraduates was recognised by Professor William Froneman in his short address.

The department is particularly proud of its postgraduate and top undergraduate students. Congratulations are extended to Simone Baldanzi (PhD), Austin Humphries (PhD), Johannes Iitembu (PhD), Gareth Mann (PhD), Lucas Mmonwa (PhD), Ryan Wasserman (PhD), Caroline Bell (MSc), Amy Bishop (MSc), Rebecca Klein (MSc), Mandla Magoro (MSc), Eugene Nepgen (MSc), Zoe Nhleko (MSc), Zianca Nolte (MSc), Sam Page (MSc), Martha Stafford (MSc), Nikita Steele (MSc), Nina Voogt (MSc), Kyle Lloyd (Beth Cumming Memorial Prize), Kyle Lloyd (Matthew Jones Memorial Shield), GF Sutton (JC van Hille Award), Megan Mulcahy (ESSA award), Bridget White (Fred Gess Award) and Timothy Kuiper (Ewer Prize).