

Graduation 2013

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The department celebrated the achievements of its graduating students at an afternoon function on Thursday last week (4 April 2013), prior to the science faculty graduation ceremony on Friday. The hard work of both first-time graduands and postgraduates was recognised by Professor William Froneman in his short address.

The department is particularly proud of its postgraduate and top undergraduate students. Congratulations are extended to Ant Bernard (PhD), Tarryn Goble (PhD), Silvia Langa (PhD), Grant Martin (PhD), Given Matumba (PhD), John Midgley (PhD), John O'Brien (PhD), Gavin Tweddle (PhD), Wendy Collinson (MSc), Candice Coombes (MSc), Siobhan Dyer (MSc), David Hasek (MSc), Lukho Macala (MSc), Dale Morris (MSc), Rachel Ndlohvu (MSc), Cuma Njozela (MSc), Precotia Nyalungu (MSc), Tim Kuiper (Beth Cumming Memorial Prize), Tim Kuiper (Matthew Jones Memorial Shield), Kyle Lloyd (JC van Hille Award), Tim Kuiper (Duerden Scholarship), Claire Love (ESSA award) and Claire Love (Ewer Prize).