
Rhodes>Tsitsa Project>Resources & Research>Sustainable Land Management

Sustainable Land Management (SLM)




Management interventions and integrated planning that supports sustainable livelihoods

  • Small dam development
  • Improved roads and connectivity
  • Wetland rehabilitation
  • AIP management
  • Fire management
  • Old field restoration
  • Hillslope restoration
  • Spring protection
  • Grazing management
  • Forest protection

Working with stakeholders across governance structures

The Tsitsa Project works in collaboration with the Expanded Public Works Programmes (EPWP) through various implementing agents (IA's) and local and district municipalities. The SLM planning takes into account the various development frameworks and plans in the area.

Furthermore the Tsitsa Project strives for participatory approaches toward understanding and prioritising SLM interventions based on the needs of the people living in the catchment.

Implementing SLM: LIMA and the Tsitsa Project catchment coordinator
LIMA- Rural Development Foundation has been contracted to work alongside the Tsitsa Project Catchment coordinator and assist with implementing SLM interventions and plans into the catchment.
Other contributors to SLM and research

Last Modified: Fri, 18 Sep 2020 09:31:46 SAST