

Prof. Eureta Rosenburg

Prof Eureta Rosenburg
Tsitsa Project Knowledge & Learning Support, and a member of the Tsitsa Project Wisdom Trust
Prof Eureta Rosenberg is the Chair of Environment and Sustainability Education in the Environmental Learning Research Centre at Rhodes University. Her scholarly interests include skills for the environment and green economy; evaluation for learning and accountability; and research methodology for transformational intent. She is the Deputy Dean in the Education Faculty, the Chair of the Rhodes University Ethical Standards Committee, and the Editor-in-Chief of the Southern African Journal of Environmental Education. Eureta is a member of the Tsitsa Wisdom Trust, and she conceptually supports the Knowledge Mediation and Learning group in the Tsitsa Project (led by Dr Jessica Cockburn). Prof Rosenberg helped shape the design of the Participatory Monitoring, Evaluation, Reflection and Learning (PMERL) framework through which the Tsitsa Project is evaluated (implementation led by Dr Karen Kotschy), and she is guiding the development of a introductory course in Facilitating Social Learning and Stakeholder Engagement, led by Dr Matthew Weaver. Eureta has supervised two research projects focussed on monitoring and evaluation in the Tsitsa Project, by Nosi Mtati and Hanli Human respectively. She has also authored and co-authored several publications based on or relevant to the Tsitsa Project; for an updated list please refer to

Last Modified: Mon, 17 Aug 2020 13:04:20 SAST