Climate smart agriculture for adaptation and resilience building among smallholder farmers in rural Eastern Cape
Partnering Institute:
University of Fort Hare
bet36体育投注_bet36体育在线—激情赢盈中√ the project: Climate change impacts undermine human development progress and the achievement of SDGs in many African countries. In response, many local people, including smallholder farmers, are adapting and building resilience to climate change through their agency and local assets complemented by governments and development agencies’ interventions. For example, smallholder rural farmers in O.R Tambo District Municipality are transforming from traditional crop production and animal husbandry practices into Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA). CSA is an approach that involves implementation of different locally relevant and embedded crop and livestock farming knowledge and practices designed to adapt and build resilience to climate impacts. It is evidence-based practice that seeks to transform and reorient agricultural production systems and food value chains so that they support sustainable development and ensure food security under climate change (FAO, 2019; Aggarwal, et al, 2018).
Three objectives are demarcated for achieving this CSA aim:
(1) sustainably increasing agricultural productivity to support equitable increases in incomes, food security and development
(2) adapting and building resilience to climate change from the farm to national levels and
(3) developing opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture compared with past trends (Lipper et al. 2014:1069).
This research will explore the levels of CSA knowledge smallholder farmers in O.R Tambo and Raymond Mhlaba municipalities. Based on this appraisal, any inadequacies or knowledge gaps to be identified in their CSA knowledge and practices will form the basis for codesigning (with farmers) an evidence based locally relevant smallholder farmers’ practice manual (citizen science) for use in community social learning and curriculum innovation supporting extension training in the Eastern Cape. The project will contribute to the climate action theme.
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