Systems Dynamic Modelling for Sustainability Science and Social Learning in Complex-Social-Ecological Systems
Partnering Institute:
Global Change Institute, University of the Witwatersrand
bet36体育投注_bet36体育在线—激情赢盈中√ the project: South Africa faces wicked challenges with complex social and biophysical dimensions. Examples are the struggle for livelihoods in degrading rural landscapes facing sustainability challenges and a youthful population needing development options. Simple, linear science approaches fail to fully address these challenges, and the next generation of scientists and development specialists need new thinking and planning tools suitable for the conditions of complex social-ecological systems (CSES).
This project, led by the SARChI Chair in Systems Analysis located in the Global Change research Institute (GRI) at Wits, seeks to use transdisciplinary systems analysis and modelling, to develop integrated land restoration monitoring tools, and curricula for teaching post-graduates and managers. The case study context is the Tsitsa Catchment in the Eastern Cape.
Through this project, the GRI will strengthen its links with Rhodes and the catchment. The project includes a doctoral study to develop models and tools for the integrated monitoring of ecological infrastructure, land restoration and livelihood related indicators, using spatial and systems modelling.
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