

Local to global competencies for studying climate change: knowledge co-creation in the Berg-Breede catchment


Partnering Institute:
African Climate and Development Initiative , University of Cape Town

Climate Change

bet36体育投注_bet36体育在线—激情赢盈中√ the project: Amongst other research programmes, ACDI works in the Berg-Breede catchment area through several transdisciplinary research projects adopting a landscape approach to understanding climate-development nexus issues (Ziervogel et al. 2017). In this CoP, the ACDI will integrate lessons from its research into its formal and informal postgraduate teaching. It will also draw in lessons from national and regional transdisciplinary knowledge-sharing networks and partnerships addressing climate change to resource multi-dimensional capacity needs in the field across scales and sectors.

These can help review formal and informal learning on climate-development nexus issues occurring at different scales, amongst agents of differing degrees of power and agency, and concerning different types of knowledges. Such a review would shed valuable insights into the competency needs of postgraduates entering the workplace and society, and hence would inform curricula change. ACDI’s transdisciplinary research and teaching practices offer an opportunity to critically review how different forms of knowledges across academia, policy, practice and society are valued, built and shared.

These knowledges include the theoretical and technical knowledges of academia; the practical and tacit knowledges of working professionals in policy and practice; and the ‘common sense’, indigenous and local knowledges of civil society. These need to be reviewed for inclusion in curriculum innovations and transdisciplinary sustainable development actions and for their value in transformative social learning. The project will contribute to the theme on climate action.

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Last Modified: Sat, 11 Sep 2021 11:56:32 SAST

NRF Community of Practice: Social Learning & Sustainable Development