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Postgraduate Diploma in Sustainability Learning:
This inaugural offering is the first of its kind in Southern Africa. Visit our gateway here for more detail.  

Short Courses:
The Environmental Learning Research Centre offers a short course programme. Visit our gateway here for more detail.  

Global Change Institute, University of the Witwatersrand

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SARChI Chair in Entomology

Centre for Biological Control, Rhodes University

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South African Research Chair in Biotechnology Innovation and Engagement

Biotechnology Innovation Centre, Rhodes University

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Distinguished Porfessor in the Faculty of Education, Stellenbosch University

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SARChI Chair in Ecosystem Health, University of Limpopo

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Director of the Complexity of Systems in Transition Centre, University of Stellenbosch 

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Director of the Unilever Centre for Water Quality in the Institute of Water Research, Rhodes University

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Deputy Director of the African Climate and Development Institute, University of Cape Town

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Director of the Fort Hare Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Fort Hare

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Director of the Fort Hare Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Fort Hare

Online profile 

Contact Us

Mailing address:
SARChI Chair in Global Change and Social Learning Systems
Rhodes University Education Department
P.O. Box 94
Makhanda, 6140
Eastern Cape, South Africa

ELRC Research Programme Administration Manager
Mrs Thato Tantsi              
Landline: +27 (0)46 603 8390           
Rhodes University         


Last Modified: Thu, 09 Sep 2021 09:58:23 SAST

Odume, O.N. (2020) Searching for urban pollution signature and sensitive macroinvertebrate traits and ecological preferences in a river in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. Ecological Indicators 108: 105759. 

Akamagwuna, F.C., Ntloko, P., Edegbene, A.O. and Odume, O.N. (2021) Are Ephemeroptera, plecopteran and trichopteran traits reliable indicators of semi-urban pollution in the Tsitsa River, Eastern Cape province of South Africa? Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (2021): 193:309  

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Clean water supply and provisioning

Centre for Biological Control, Rhodes University
The Global Change Institute, WITS University

Climate action

Centre for Biological Control, Rhodes University
The Global Change Institute, WITS University

Ecological infrastructure

Centre for Biological Control, Rhodes University
The Global Change Institute, WITS University

Dr. Megan Davies is a Researcher at the Centre for Sustainability Transitions at the Stellenbosch University. Her research investigates the role of policy in the energy transition and the governance and developmental implications and large-scale renewable energy in the broader context of South Africa’s political economy of energy. In the context of the Centre’s postgraduate teaching programmes, her research interests focus on education for sustainable development and how transformative learning might support sustainability transitions and transformations. Her overarching fields of research are: sustainability transitions, governance of socio-technical transitions, transdisciplinary research and knowledge co-production, energy transitions, energy policy, education for sustainable development and transformative learning.

Preven has been working in the field of environmental education, school based education,outdoor education and teacher education for over 15 years. He has worked with Outward Bound, Ethekwini Municipality, Department Of Education, WESSA, DUCT, Greenpeace Africa, UKZN, UNISA, Earthwatch, Rhodes University and other EE initiatives throughout this time. In 2012 together with a small group of ecowarriors from the Duzi Umgeni Conservation Trust they walked the entire length of the Umgeni River, monitoring water quality and engaging in EE activities along its banks with school learners. This led to further explorations and EE work along the catchment throughout the decade. Currently he is completing his doctoral study at Rhodes University on resonance building praxis and enabling ecologically literate learners through practical fieldwork activities in riparian systems.


Section EI2

The Ecological Infrastructure thematic cluster focuses on focuses on land restoration, management and governance, as aligns to SDG 14 &15, with the following list of publications: 


Chanyau, L. & Rosenberg, E. (2024). Value created for small-scale farmers in agroecology movement in the Eastern Cape region of South Africa: An application of the value creation framework. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems. DOI: 10.1080/21683565.2023.2301023


Gwapedza, D., Hughes, D. A., Slaughter, A. R., & Mantel, S. K. (2023). Simulating daily sediment transport using the Water Quality and Sediment Model (WQSED). Modeling Earth Systems and Environment.


Kabenge, I., Ssewankambo, G., Nakawuka, P., Wanyama, J., Zziwa, A., Bamutaze, Y., Gwapedza, D., Palmer, C.G.T., Tanner, J., Mantel, S., 2023. Modelling storm event ? based sediment yield and assessing its heavy metal loading?: case of Lake Victoria ’ s Inner Murchison Bay catchment in Uganda. Model. Earth Syst. Environ.


Roux, D.J., Taplin, M., Smit, I.P.J. Novellie, P., Russell, I., Nel, J.L., Freitag, S. & Rosenberg, E. (2023). Co-Producing Narratives and Indicators as Catalysts for Adaptive Governance of a Common-Pool Resource within a Protected Area. Environmental Management 72, 1111–1127.


Rosenberg, E. & Kotschy, K. (2023). Human Capital Development Strategy for the Biodiversity Sector: Post 2020 Update. SANBI and DFFE, Pretoria.


Rosenberg, E. & Kotschy, K. (2023). Overview of the Human Capital Development Strategy for the Biodiversity Sector: Post 2020 Update. SANBI and DFFE, Pretoria.


Rosenberg, E. & Kotschy, K. (2023). Human Capital Development Strategy for the Biodiversity Sector: Implementation Plan. SANBI and DFFE, Pretoria.


Rosenberg, E.,  Mtati, N. and Cockburn, J. (In Review.) For Environmental Monitors, Relationships Matter in Multiple Ways: Insights from a research collaboration in South Africa. Frontiers in Environmental Science, section Environmental Citizen Science. Manuscript ID: 1243653


Shackleton, S., Favretto,N., Hoffman, T., Gordon, C., O’Keeffe, L., Kathambi, M., Cullis, B., Elliott-Wong, N., Forbes, C. (2023). Development of an online training course on multistakeholder collaboration in transdisciplinary sustainability research with a focus on African landscapes. Proceedings of the ARUA Biennial International Conference 2023: Reimagining the Future of Higher Education in Africa, 15-17 November 2023, Lagos, Nigeria


Scholes, M. 2023. ‘Assessment of Essential Variables, using a Social-ecological Systems Approach, to Determine Sustainability at a Catchment Level’ Submission in review with Frontiers in Sustainability.


Xoxo S, Mantel S, De Vos A, Mahlaba B, Tanner J & Le Maître D. Under Review. Using the Analytic Hierarchical Process to identify potential sites for rural ecological infrastructure investment: Examples from Cacadu and Tsitsa catchments. Restoration Ecology.


Last Modified: Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:37:21 SAST

NRF Community of Practice Projects -

Centre for Biological Control, Rhodes University

Section EI2




  • Theme: Clean Water Supply and Provisioning

  • Project: Adaptive Integrated Water Resources Management (A-IWRM) and Transdisciplinary Catchment Governance


South of the Cederberg mountains and 200km north of Cape Town is the Twee River area. It belongs to the protected Cape Fynbos region, and it is the only home to a critically endangered fish species: the Twee River Redfin. But farmers and residents who rely on the river for their livelihoods also inhabit the space.South Africa is 30th driest country

With climate change predicted to reduce water flows in the area, its inhabitants must learn how to share water resources fairly without threatening the natural environment. Several members of the Institute of Water Research, including Dr Jane Tanner, Dr Olivier Barreteau (INRAE, France), and Dr David Gwapedza investigated how decision-making around sharing water resources might happen.

The research team used the ‘Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP)’ – a tool used to inform complex decision-making. It is especially handy when choices must consider various, sometimes conflicting, factors.

The team gathered stakeholders from the community together and asked them to consider various issues that would influence a fair water allocation. They reflected on the ecological significance of local fish species, the socioeconomic needs of farmers, the rights of domestic water users, and the economic contributions of the tourism sector. They were then asked to rank these different factors, and the rankings were analysed using the AHP.


“As climate change further squeezes an already water-scarce landscape, taking community viewpoints
into account can be critical to governing resources efficiently.”


This process ensured that all those affected were included in the decision-making process and that their views of fairness were considered. Overall, participants in the study believed that environmental protection and farmers (who provide jobs and food security) should be given equal weight in water distribution, followed by residents and tourism.

As climate change further squeezes an already water-scarce landscape, taking these community viewpoints into account can be critical to governing resources efficiently. If decision-making is not inclusive, competing interests can create a greater risk of conflict and competition. The research serves to strengthen various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are integral to South Africa’s vision for the future by ensuring access to water and helping to build resilient and sustainable communities.


Publication: Xoxo S, Tanner J, Mantel S, Gwapedza D, Paxton B, Hughes D, & Barreteau O. (2023, May). Chapter 11-Equity-Based Allocation Criteria for Water Deficit Periods: A Case Study in South Africa. In International Conference on Decision Support System Technology (pp. 137-155). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.



Last Modified: Thu, 02 May 2024 11:48:22 SAST