

Statement on upcoming exams, oppidan bus system and lease agreements


The SRC is working on getting the oppidan bus operational and extending computer lab hours. Image via Pexels.
The SRC is working on getting the oppidan bus operational and extending computer lab hours. Image via Pexels.

As the exam season approaches, the SRC continues to receive numerous requests for the operating hours of computer labs to be extended. We agree that this is a crucial time for all students, and we have decided to approach the appropriate office to request the labs close two hours before the commencement of the curfew to afford students an ample time to reach home.

Seeing that the National State of Disaster has been recently extended, in cases where the lockdown regulations are relaxed, and the curfew is done away with, we will implore the university management to initiate dialogues with their contemporaries to see if this regulation can be relaxed for university campuses. However, the final decision still rests with the National Coronavirus Command Council as we are still in the National State of Disaster.

Oppidan bus system and lease agreements during exams
The issue of the operation of the Oppidan Bus is one of utmost importance. The SRC will be taking all necessary steps to ensure the bus is operational as soon as possible. We will communicate an update on this matter in due course.

Another issue that was raised was with regards to exams taking place after leases have lapsed. This matter is currently under discussion. In the interim, students that have exams that coincide with the end of their lease agreements are encouraged to contact the Oppidan Hall Administrator at Karen van Heerden by emailing her at Students must attach a copy of their examination timetable together with the contact details of the rental agent or landlord. We will also appeal to the university management to communicate with rental agencies and ask for clemency on behalf of all Oppidan students. 

We understand that this year, in particular, has been a very challenging one. We would like to encourage all students to do their best to remain positive and to take advantage of the upcoming SWOT week to prepare for examinations. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require assistance and support. We wish you the best of luck with your exams.


Secretary-General, Shanti Khosa

046 603 7083

Issued: 16 October 2020

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