

2021 SRC assumes office with dedication towards proactive leadership.


"The outbreak of the coronavirus has introduced a new normal
to us all. Therefore we acknowledge the various difficulties that students might have
experienced, such as the inability to smoothly transition and participate in remote learning.
We hope our dedication to proactive leadership will allow us to heed the cries of students."
"The outbreak of the coronavirus has introduced a new normal to us all. Therefore we acknowledge the various difficulties that students might have experienced, such as the inability to smoothly transition and participate in remote learning. We hope our dedication to proactive leadership will allow us to heed the cries of students."

The SRC of 2021 would like to formally extend compliments of the New Year to students
and staff members of Rhodes University. As we assume office, with the understanding of
what a difficult year 2020 was. The outbreak of the coronavirus has introduced a new normal
to us all. Therefore we acknowledge the various difficulties that students might have
experienced, such as the inability to smoothly transition and participate in remote learning.
We hope our dedication to proactive leadership will allow us to heed the cries of students

Official Communication Platforms

We would like to introduce the new SRC Facebook page titled ‘Rhodes University SRC’
which will be running in companion to the existing SRC Facebook group. The page comes
with features that are beneficial for efficient communication.
To list a few:
? It makes information from the SRC easier to find on Facebook and students will be
able to interact without the requirement of requesting to be accepted into a group.
? A page also allows for our contact details to constantly be available on the bio
We want to encourage students to direct their SRC related queries either via our e-mail
addresses or on our official social media platforms. We are aware of other existing student
pages where students raise and discuss pertinent issues on, we will be observing those
platforms however we must emphasise that we will only respond to these queries, concerns,
and suggestions on our official SRC platforms. The SRC group will continue operating as we
wish to utilize it for the purpose of informing the student body in-depth about policies and
student governance in the context of Rhodes University.

We call for our Postgraduate students to also make note of the platform we have created for
them. We are aware of the different concerns and queries that they may have and with the

assistance of the first-ever Postgraduate Affairs Councillor, we would like to interact with
them on their ‘Rhodes Postgraduate Affairs 2021’ Facebook group.

Students’ Concerns

We have received a number of queries from students with different concerns pertaining but
not limited to allowances, operation of the oppidan bus, tuition and residence fees increase,
laptops as well as appeals. These concerns have been noted and with the University recently
re-opening, we will start engaging with the relevant stakeholders about them. Students will be
communicated to within due course.

Council Contact Details

The Student Representative Council consists of 16 individuals. If you wish to gain a better
understanding of the roles and duties of the different council members, feel free to consult
schedule 4 in the Constitution of Student Governance. Details on how students can get in
contact with Council are listed below.

Ms. Leboghang Nkambule, President.
Ms. Hlumela Mpiti, Vice-President.
Ms. Mitchelle Makokove, Secretary-General.
Ms. Lindi Gqamana-Mngeni, Treasurer General.

Ms. Lerato Leboho, Academic Councillor.
Ms. Nyasha Mwenye, Activism and Transformation Councillor.
Mr. Lukhanyiso Cezula, Community Engagement Councillor.
Ms. Milca Matariro, Environmental Councillor.


Ms. Taonga Phiri, International Affairs Councillor.
Ms. Isipho Ngutyana, Media Councillor.
Ms. Bianca Mclean, Oppidan Councillor.
Ms. Tinashe Hlako, Projects Manager Councillor.

Mr. Njabulo Mkhulisa, Residence Councillor.
Ms. Zandile Gcumisa, Student Benefits & Sponsorship Councillor.
Mr. Mpho Khopeli, Sports and Societies Councillor.
Ms. Vuyelwa Moyo, Postgraduate Affairs Councillor.

Please follow our platforms to always be updated.
Twitter: @RhodesSRC
Instagram: rusrc.
Facebook: Rhodes University SRC page.
Main Facebook group: Rhodes SRC group.
Additional Facebook group: Rhodes University Postgraduate Affairs 2021.
Youtube: Rhodes University SRC.

We hope to have a year filled with constant, transparent and timeous interaction with the
student body.

Contact Secretary-General, Mitchelle Makokove via email:

Issued: 06 January 2021.