

Ms. Neo Mohlala SRC Term 1 Report 2019


Ms. Neo Mohlala
Ms. Neo Mohlala

Strategic Highlights

My plan for the year was to emphasize a focus on the efficient allocation of money. The easiest way out is often expensive. I had planned to invest time in making sure that every financial decision is well thought of and is most efficient. Furthermore, I had also planned to make sure that budgets and reports are easily accessible because I believe that it encourages engagement from the student body. Therefore please patiently read through and engage in this report.

Operating Highlights

At the beginning of the year, we had allocated a budget of R130 000 to the Oppidan bus budget. It operates from 17h00 to 23h00 transporting students who live off campus from campus to their digs. The expenditure as at 13th March 2019 is R33 421.59. The expenses include fuel, salaries, repair and maintenance of the bus.

R250 000 was allocated towards the orientation week program. This includes all SRC hosted activities during the first week of the arrival of first years. The total expenditure as at 28th February 2019 is R67 861.15. It is incurred from buses hired (to deliver first years from Frontier and Kimberly Hall to their residences), the first year picnic, RuJamming (which took place over a period of 3 days), Amazing race, SRC Marketing and projects team clothing.

Under the SRC General retained Income, a budget of R630 000 was allocated. The expenditure from this budget includes Salaries, Elections and office expenses (i.e. Water and Electricity, telephones, cleaning material, Computer expenses, etc.). The expenditure under this budget as at 13th March 2019 is R164 219.44.

Each councilor has a budget of R4000 for the year within their portfolio. We also have the Students Defense Council and Students Disciplinary Board. Their allocated budget is R10 000. This budget is spent on Salaries of the committee members and meetings (Water and food). Furthermore, under the committee's budget, we have included SRC Training and Inauguration, Trivarsity and Ubuntu Fund.