

Ms Jessie Ditshego SRC Term 3 Report


Ms. Jessie Ditshego
Ms. Jessie Ditshego
  • Hosted Oppidan Forum (reported back on Oppi Comm portfolios and a financial report was presented). 
  • Chaired weekly Oppidan Committee meetings as mandated by the RU Constitution. 
  • Attended: Institutional Forum, Board of Residences and weekly SRC Council and Executive meetings. 
  • Attended SAUS (South African Union of Students) conference as a delegate. 



  • Aiding the Comm implement an Oppi Academic/Exam Tips Workshop to help improve our Hall's academic performance. 
  • Continue the Crime Wise Campaign initiative. 
  • Heading Oppi Bus Task Team

-Overseeing the finalisation of the procurement process for the 2020 bus

-Implementing a formal system for record-keeping of bus users (this is to happen on both the University, and Service provider's side) . 

- Creating a formal structure through which students can lodge potential complaints. 

-Setting up a formal panel that will meet regularly to enforce the contract between Rhodes University and the Service provider should there be any breaches, or problems that occur with the transport system. 

(The panel will include : SRC Oppidan Councillor, DSA, Oppidan Warden, Legal and Risk manager, and two task team representatives). 

-Drafting a guiding document that will address the issue of compliance.