Student Representative Council (SRC) 1st Termly Report
The total SRC budget is R1 295 000, it is split up into four main accounts that then have subset budget line items. The budget is split up as follows:
- Committees Budget: R290 000.
- Orientation Budget: R275 000
- Running Budget: R630 000
- SRC Bus Budget: R100 000
There has not been much expenditure to date. The main expenditure has been preparations of events that were arranged by the SRC during O-week. The two main events that we had as the SRC was the Acoustic evening and the RU Jamming. The expenses for the two events are as follows:
- Acoustic evening: R33 345.00
- Ru Jamming: R 23 495. 00 + R10 000(for prizes)=R33 495.00
Unfortunately we could not find sponsors for the prizes for RU Jamming, as such the SRC had to source funds internally. R5000 was awarded to 1st place, R3 000 2nd place and R2 000 for 3rd place.
For Orientation week, as the SRC we had the SRC Projects team assisting us during Orientation. Their stay on campus was also paid for by the SRC, a total amount of R43 000 (rounded up). During and leading up to Orientation week, the SRC was situated on campus. This is done so that students who have issues during that period are attended to in a timeous manner. The SRC stay cost a total of R27 000.
Another major expense item was the uniforms for the SRC, SRC Hall Reps and SRC Projects Team. I am aware that as the Treasurer General I had made it known public that SRC uniforms, and its various legitimate structures in the University, should not have to pay for the purchase of their Uniforms; but the funds should come directly from management because we are representing the university in the various platforms we will find ourselves in.
I still hold the same view on the issue, as such a lot of effort was put into trying to source sponsors to sponsor the Uniforms. However, because of a lapse in time and the urgent need for Uniforms we had to use SRC funds.
The total expenditure for the uniforms of the SRC and its aligned student leadership groups (namely the SRC Projects team and the SRC Hall Reps is R 52 460.
Through the Ubuntu Fund we were able to help a number of students with bus tickets and transport, the total amount spent is R2 398, 50. We were also able to help some students with food who found themselves stranded before term started. This amounted to R660, 80.
The total spending to date is R192 359,30
Planned events for income generation for the SRC:
There is a strong stance from this years council, that whatever money we are able to fundraise for the students will be directed to the Ubuntu Fund. As such, any programs/initiatives of the SRC that are student based will be sourced from this fund. It is important to note that the Ubuntu Fund is currently an infant, and as such the role and responsibility of the 2018 SRC is to nurture this infant and ensure that by the time we leave office, at the end of the year, we can stand back and be proud of witnessing the Ubuntu Fund take its first steps as a child. It would however be ideal if we could leave it as a fully functioning individual, with a long term sponsor/funder for sustainability purposes, but we are aware of how much work that will require and the challenges that lie before us.
The plan to raise funds for 2018:
- Ubuntu Fund Benefit Concert that could potentially turn into a fundraising dinner as well.
- Ubuntu Fun Run
- SRC Town collection
- SRC Graduation collection
- Various collection initiatives centered around Purple Thursday
- Res, Society fundraising competitions that have cash rewards attached to them
- Ubuntu Walk a Mile fundraiser
The details for the above events will be communicated in due time.
Term 2
The biggest cash outflow for this term was the R150 000 that was put down as a deposit for The Great Field Party. The agreement with the service provider was such that, should we manage to sell 3 500 tickets, then we would recover the money. We are still waiting for the final report from the service provider.
It is difficult to pin-point the individual expenses of councilors given how frequently councilors have their own events. However, in terms of budget and money spent up to this point, there is a current saving of 2,5% which is good for us as a councilor. It means we have not been over spending.
As the Treasurer General, I have been working on some fundraising initiatives along with other people.
Over the graduation period, we had Ubuntu Fund Graduation fund collection at the Monument. Whereby we were encouraging graduates to pledge and donate money so that they could enable other students to also graduate. Over the two days at the Monument, we manage to raise R700 in cash donations, however many donated through EFT so to find the final amount raised will be dependent upon the review of the accounts of the SRC which has been difficult T the moment of writing this report.
Planned events for income generation:
There is a strong stance from this years SRC, that whatever money that is raised during the year it will be directed to the Ubuntu Fund. The fund itself is very much in its infant stage, and the SRC 2018 duty is for us to nurture the fund and by the time we leave, we leave a fund that is at least able to assist students with the basics.
The plan for funds:
- Ubuntu Fund Benefit Concert(pending)
- Ubuntu Fun Run (pending)
- SRC Graduation Collection (done)
- Small recurring fundraising initiatives (on-going)
The finner details of the above programs will be communicated in due time.