- From the 14th of January, we arrived for our duty and the Vice Prince was delegated to be part of the academic appeals task team. This team was responsible for assisting students in their academic appeals process. The Academic councillor, Secretary General and The Vice Presiden were part of that task team and we were responsible for helping ensure that students had appeals with the relevant documents, structured properly and strong enough to prove that they deserve to be re-admitted by the registrar’s division and their dean. We received 82 appeals. These appeals did not include extra-ordinary cases of students with other issues such as historical debt and students that qualified for the VC’s guarantee in which I had to speak to the Vice-Chancellor.
- During O-week, The Vice President helped the Projects Manager organize the first purple Thursday of the year. Vice President was responsible for finding sponsors for the spot prizes and delegating councilors to their different stations and duties. Part of the team organizing was the Media Councilor, Student Benefits & Sponsorship Councilor and the International Affairs Councilor. They were responsible for the other duties.
- Attended an Intervarsity meeting in which we were adopting the constitution that will govern intervarsity. The meeting was held at the Rhodes University Sports Administration department. The document was not adopted pending an agreement on the finances of Intervarsity and the contribution from each institution involved. Another meeting after that was in East London, Walter Sisulu University campus. This meeting was convened merely to discuss the finances and budget for Intervarsity. At this meeting, it became clear that the issue is the finances for the after party and the contribution from the SRCs of the different institutions. It was then decided that SRCs from the 4 institutions needed to meet and bring the final amount to be adopted into the document.
- As mandated by the constitution of Rhodes University Students, Developed and compiled the Core objectives and the year plan for the Student Representative Council. The due date for the submission of the SRC objectives was on the 29th of January. The Vice President compiled them and the final draft was sent to the SG to be forwarded to student parliament for the next sitting. Developing these councilor specific objectives to be more meaningful, student aligned, and action orientated.
- Convened the Student Parliament on the 27th of February and the agenda for the sitting was the election of the Student Parliament executive. The election was done by the IEB. Members of the student parliament elected the Speaker, Mr. Dingaan Booi, deputy speaker, Miss Bamanye Saki, and the secretary, Miss Nkateko Nkanyane.
- Facilitated a constitutional review on the Constitution of Students of Rhodes University which was on the 2nd of March. The Vice President circulated the document that contained comments from Senate and after we made a few changes, the SRC decided to have an additional sitting to finish the document. After the constitution has been reviewed, it will be sent to the Senate.
- Cluster meetings facilitated the reworked the structure, composition, and operations of these plenary sessions. This is done for the adequate and improved development and implementation of the councillor specific core objectives. Importantly placing a high emphasis on the development of workable plans for each portfolio.
- Represented the Rhodes University SRC and Student Body in the University Council Meeting on the 7th of March 2019.
- As mandated by the constitution of the students, I convened and facilitated the second sitting of the review of the students’ constitution. The sitting was on Tuesday the 12th of March and the constitutional review session led to the completion of the review. The constitution will now be sent through to Rhodes University Senate for their review. The SRC accepted all the recommendations made by Senate at their last sitting.
- As mandated by the constitution of the students, to facilitate and be the custodian of all policies that govern students, I facilitated the Sexual offenses policy for students draft consultation with Dr. Mkhize the Anti-Harassment officer. This was held on Saturday the 23rd of March at the RA Room. Recommendations were submitted to Dr. Mkhize and a 3rd draft will be circulated for approval by the SRC and other University stakeholders.
- Convened the internal and external cluster meetings for the month of March. We discussed the events of the upcoming month including the meal review, student governance colloquium and the Oppidan students' forum for the oppidan bus issue.