

ICYMI: SAUS comments on the outcome of their interactions with Higher Education Minister


SAUS had issued a memorandum of 15 demands to the Higher Education Department in January 2020. Image/Facebook
SAUS had issued a memorandum of 15 demands to the Higher Education Department in January 2020. Image/Facebook

Communiqué from the South African Union of Students (SAUS) issued 1 February 2020:

"SAUS Statement following a meeting with the Minister of Higher Education and Science and Technology on 15 Demands.

01 February 2020

The South African Union of Students welcomes the judgement on the killer of Katlego Monareng a TUT student that was shot by SAPS, during the 2018 SRC election. Today the policeman accused of his murder has been convicted and sentenced to 15 years in prison. We use this opportunity to caution security guards to exercise restraint when dealing with students. We are fighting for poor students whom includes sons and daughters of security guards. The use of armed private security to benefit university officials will have to be investigated.

We condemn all acts of violence with the sector. We are vehemently opposed to arson, and burning of university property. Ours was and will always be a call for a peaceful protest. SAUS agreed with the Minister on the following areas;

1. Students will now get their academic records even if they are owing the university. The Minister together with USAF will write to all universities.

2. Students who are having debts will now be allowed to register especially NSFAS students.

3. A process has been put in place to establish funding for post-graduates, In a week an announcement will be made in that regard.

4. Students who stay off-campus will this year not be denied meal allowances and those who stay in accredited accommodation and those who make their own arrangements will receive their allowances as well.

5. All NSFAS allowances will increase at CPI this year because the cost of living is very high in 2020.

6. Enrolment quotas will not be reduced for 2020, universities that are reducing quotas will be attended to accordingly.

7. All Universities that increased fees above inflation and without consulting student Leadership will reverse their decision.

8. A Ministerial Task Team involving DHET and student leadership and other stakeholders will be established as a matter of urgency to look at the UNISA situation and changing demographic enrollments.

9. Student safety, security and mental health will be a priority hence a summit will be convened before the end of April to focus on these matters. All universities to submit their sexual harassment policy to DHET within two months.

10. Food security for vulnerable students will be prioritised. USAF will engage universities to use the WITS model being used by student affairs to address this matter.

11. The Minister accepted our submission that the central application process using CACH is not helping students and a focus will be given to address that.

12. Student Leadership who participated during the national shutdown will not be victimised through university DC etc and USAF will engage Vice-Chancellors regarding that.

13. Millions of rands have been allocated for student housing infrastructure project for 2020.

14. NSFAS applications for new students are reopening as per our demand.

15. NSFAS appeals will be expedited within the next two weeks to ensure that students are not denied spaces to study on the basis of appeal delays.
16. NSFAS funded students will not be allowed to pay any upfront payments for registration. It's free registration for them.

The South African Union of Students calls upon all Vice-Chancellors to implement these resolutions with speedy. We will be visiting troubled campuses were registration challenges are escalating. We condemn the militarization of campuses by Vice-Chancellors. Universities that still have internal issues outside these demands are encouraged to engage as stakeholders. We anticipate a smooth registration unless university management defies these progressive resolutions. We thank universities that heeded the call for a shut down such as North-West University, University of Fort Hare, UNISA, University of Free State, UNIVEN, UKZN and WSU. Whilst other universities had planned to join the protest next week, we are hopeful that these resolutions will enable widened access for our students and therefore calls for a smooth registration process.

Thank you

Issued by the South African Union of Students

Lwandile Mtsolo
Thabo Shingange

This statement was issued by the South African Union of students on 1 February 2020