

bet36体育投注_bet36体育在线—激情赢盈中√: SRC's stance on the evacuation of the campus


We as the leaders of the student body understand the need to vacate campus as soon as possible, as we cannot in good faith allow the students to remain on campus. Image/ Gerrie van der Walt
We as the leaders of the student body understand the need to vacate campus as soon as possible, as we cannot in good faith allow the students to remain on campus. Image/ Gerrie van der Walt

In response to the VC’s Circular released on the 17th of March, urging the students to vacate campus, after much deliberation, the Student Representative Council has come to certain conclusions to the crisis we are facing not only as an institution but as a nation and the world at large. We as the leaders of the student body understand the need to vacate campus as soon as possible, as we cannot in good faith allow the students to remain on campus for the following reasons: 


  1. Unfortunately because of the nature of the town that we live in, we may have a certain degree of control over students but we do not have the same degree of control over the larger Makhanda community. As much as we do not have a confirmed case on campus, or in Makhanda, we have no control over the greater community who we interact with on a daily basis.
  2. Due to the state of the water crisis in Makhanda, the lack of water has the ability to cause many complications in the prevention of the spread of this virus.
  3. Should this virus make its way into Makhanda, it will be incredibly difficult to contain because of the high level of interaction in our residence system, dining halls, academic programme and with the greater Makhanda community at large.
  4. The unpredictability of the period of time it will take for this virus to leave our nation makes it impossible for a finite way forward to be established, we believe it will be safer for students to remain home until the safest way forward is decided upon.
  5. The recommendation to vacate campus was made by the Minister of Higher Education and Training, Dr Blade Ndzimande and we believe it is in our best interest to adhere to the directives put in place by the country’s leadership and the expert advice of the World Health Organization and the South African Department of Health.
  6. The mental health of students is also a number one priority, and we believe, should students remain on campus, isolated, there is cause for concern with regard to the high levels of anxiety and depression caused by the fear of the spread of this virus and the effects of self-isolation.


It is in times like this where the health of students must be prioritised and in order for this to ring true, it is in the best interest of students to vacate campus as soon as circumstantially possible. Please take care of yourselves and those around you, we are living in the midst of a global crisis, so let us not forget to respect each other's mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.