Kate Senye is an experienced financial and business management expert with more than 19 years post qualification experience working as a development economist and a media development expert.
She is the current Chief Executive Officer of Southern Africa Media Development Fund.
Working at Samdef has exposed her to working with entrepreneurs from small, medium and large media enterprises as well as interacting and working with institutions that work in the development of media in Africa and the rest of the world.
She has been a team leader on assignments to restructure and turnaround companies that are directly financed by Samdef as an endeavor to fulfill Samdef’s objective of developing media enterprises in Southern Africa.
She sits in boards of companies that Samdef has invested in and this has exposed her to handling issues of good corporate governance as a means of instilling transparency, accountability and good governance in managing media enterprises. She is also a board member of West Africa Media Development Fund, an organization working in media development and finance in the ECOWAS region.
Kate holds an MA Public Policy Majoring in Development Economics, Business and bet36体育投注_bet36体育在线—激情赢盈中√ from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA and bachelor of Social Science Majoring in Economics and Accounting from the University of Botswana.
Last Modified: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 17:01:50 SAST