

Register for the 'Government Media: Essential Tools for Editors and Journalists'


Government Media Short Course
Government Media Short Course

The Sol Plaatje Institute for Media Leadership at Rhodes University invites communication and other front-line-facing officers/managers who handle government communication and regularly interact with the public to register for the Government Media: Essential Tools for Editors and Journalists course.

The course is designed to provide participants with in-depth knowledge and skills in the areas of running and managing government communications and media liaison, and equips participants with insights to reflect upon and apply learned lessons to their daily practice.

The course gives participants a holistic view of the core functions of government communications officers and covers the following topics:

  • Handling of Media and External Relations
  • Handling of Campaigns
  • Editorial Independence and Journalistic Ethics
  • Reporting for Government Media
  • Leadership and Management

At the end of the course, the participants will be able to:

  • Identify and define characteristics of good and effective leaders and relate these back to their own leadership practices within their organisations.
  • Identify and define the key tools, tips, do's and don'ts of effectively liaising and communicating with editors of commercial media and thus improve the government's image.
  • Identify and define steps that are followed to run a successful and sustained government media campaign, how to monitor it and how to evaluate its outcomes.
  • Identify and use journalistic methods and techniques that are widely adopted in reporting and in disseminating news and information to media in an accurate, truthful, impartial, balanced, wholesome and timely fashion.
  • Define and understand the critical role of Editorial Independence and Ethics in shaping credible content – especially for government media which is seen by some as being propaganda mouthpieces – to enhance the credibility of the government and its campaigns, policies and strategies.

The course is led by our expert trainer, Themba Sepotokele, a seasoned journalist, columnist, communication & brand strategist, and media trainer with more than twenty years of experience in the media, public service, and private sector and academia.

Date: 21 - 25 Nov 2022
Venue: School of Journalism and Media Studies, Rhodes University

The short course fee of R17,000 covers tuition, learning material, lunches and refreshments.

Please visit this link to register. For more details on the course, please contact Mbali Buthelezi at or +27 46 603 8949.