

Faculty of Education gets new Dean

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Prof Xoliswa Mtose has been appointed UNIZULU's Faculty of Education Dean.

Mtose is a trained educator, higher education specialist and psychologist. She joined UNIZULU on June 1. She holds a PhD in Psychology from the University of KwaZulu-Natal; a Master of Philosophy in Higher Education from University of Stellenbosch; Bachelor of Arts Honours in African Languages from Rhodes University; HDE (Post Graduate) Primary from University of Cape Town and a Bachelor of Arts from University of Fort Hare.

Mtose also received, amongst other scholarships, a South African Scholarship to study at Harvard University. She also serves as executive member of the Anti-racism Network in Higher Education. Her academic career began at Rhodes University as a lecturer and co-ordinator of Distance and Continuing Education.

She then served at the University of Fort Hare as senior lecturer, Deputy Director and Director of a School of Postgraduate Studies, School of Initial Teacher Education and Dean of the Faculty of Education.

She is a well-rounded manager who has the ability to balance between task orientations and is relationship oriented. She leads by example in setting goals and standards of performance. She is a creative thinker who is able to sell organisational vision and leads with vision and by example. Her experience has shaped her into a successful manager and leader in higher education.

Mtose's research focuses on issues of identity, race and postapartheid blackness. While accepting that race is a social construction and that racial identities are fluid, she believes that forms of racial subjectivity are also deeply rooted and persistent. Prof Xoliswa Mtose.

Article Source: MERCURY (First Edition)