Lucy Sibanda
Doctoral Research Title:
Investigating the nature of the linguistic challenges of the Department of Basic Education (DBE) 2013 Grade 4 Mathematics ANAs and learners’ and teachers’ experience of them
The research goal:
To investigate the nature of the linguistic complexity of the 2013 Grade 4 mathematics ANA test items and learners’ and teachers’ experiences of them.
Research questions:
1a. What is the nature of the linguistic challenge of the Department of Basic Education Grade 4 mathematics ANAs?
1b. What difficulties do learners experience as they solve mathematical problems?
1c. Which of these mathematical difficulties can be attributed to linguistic factors?
2. What are the teachers’ experiences of the linguistic challenges of the ANAs?
Empirical field:
NICLE and NICLE numeracy teachers
Key theoretical frames:
Vygotsky’s influential theoretical work on language and learning, in which language is considered central to learning and learning is a social process embedded in sociocultural settings, informs the study.
Final thesis 2016
To cite this thesis:
Sibanda, L. (2016). Investigating the nature of the linguistic challenges of the Department of Basic Education (DBE) 2013 Grade 4 Mathematics ANAs and learners’ and teachers’ experience of them. Rhodes University.
Sibanda, L., & Graven, M. (2018). Can mathematics assessments be considered valid if learners fail to access what is asked of them? South African Journal of Childhood Education, 1–12.
Sibanda, L. (2018). The linguistic component in mathematics assessment and attendant tensions and dilemmas: The teachers’ experiences. In L. Webb (Ed.), Proceedings of the 26th Conference of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE) (pp. 73–85). Gaborone, Botswana: SAARMSTE. Sibanda SAARMSTE 2018 - LP
2017 |
Sibanda, L. (2017). Grade 4 Learners’ Linguistic Difficulties in Solving Mathematical Assessments. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 21(1), 86–96. |
2017 |
Sibanda, L. (2017). Chapter 10: Do the Annual National Assessments in Mathematics Unfairly Assess English Language Competence at the Expense of Mathematical Competence? In M. Graven & H. Venkat (Eds.), Improving Primary Mathematics Education, Teaching and Learning Research for Development in Resource-Constrained Contexts. (pp. 147-159). Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan UK. |
2015 |
Sibanda, L., & Graven, M. (2015). Applying a linguistic complexity checklist and formulae to the 2013 Grade 4 Mathematics National Assessment. In D. Huillet (Ed.), 23rd Annual Meeting of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE): Mathematics, Science and Technology Educaiton for Empowerment and Equity (pp. 197–210). Maputo, Mozambique: SAARMSTE. |
Last Modified: Wed, 14 Nov 2018 12:20:18 SAST