Deborah Stott
PhD student (2011 - 2014) and previous Senior Researcher (2015 - 2018) and Maths Club co-ordinator
PhD Research | Publications | Community engagement and invited events |
Doctoral thesis
Title: Learners’ numeracy progression and the role of mediation in the context of two after school mathematics clubs
Empirical field: Two after school Maths clubs in SANC Project schools
Key theoretical frames: Zone of proximal development (Lerman, 2001; Meria & Lerman, 2001; Goos, 2006); Zone of promoted action; Zone of free movement (Valsiner’s theory, 1997); Scaffolding (Anghileri, 2006)
Key numeracy/numeracy teaching frames: Strands of mathematical proficiency (Kipatrick, Swafford and Findel, 2001); Effective teachers of numeracy (Askew, Rhodes, Brown, Wiliam and Johnson; 1997); Learning Framework in Number (Wright, R. J., Martland, J., Stafford, A. K., & Stanger, G.; 2006)
Key research questions: Working within an interpretive research paradigm, this longitudinal case study research aims to explore the mathematical proficiency of learners in two clubs and to examine the nature of the mediation evident in the clubs. Specifically the research questions are:
- How do learners’ mathematical proficiency levels evolve (if at all) over the period of participation in the maths club?
- What is the nature of the mediation that enables or constrains the emergence of a ZPD in the club learners?
Publications & Research
2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 Visit
Deborah Stott Proposal |
2018 Publications
Stott, D. (2018). Observing aesthetic experiences and poesis in young students. For the Learning of Mathematics, 38(March), 7–11.
Stott, D. (2018). Responding to “a new look at the ZPD.” For the Learning of Mathematics, 38(March), 21–23.
Stott, D. (2018). Attention catching: Connecting the space of joint action and togethering. In N. Presmeg, L. Radford, W.-M. Roth, G. Kadunz, & L. Puig (Eds.), Signs of Signification Semiotics in Mathematics Education Research (pp. 103–122). Springer International Publishing.
Stott, D., & Baart, N. (2018). Short paper: Visualising grade 6 after-school mathematics club learners shifting mathematical proficiency along a spectrum of progression. In L. Webb (Ed.), Proceedings of the 26th Conference of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE) (pp. 195–199). Gaborone, Botswana: SAARMSTE.
2017 Publications
Stott, D., & Vale, P. (2017). Developing Spatial Reasoning in Foundation and Intermediate Phase Learners. Learning and Teaching Mathematics, 23(December), 6–11.
Stott, D. (2017).
Stott, D., Graven, M., Baart, N., Hebe, G., & Mofu, Z. (2017). After school maths clubs: Investigating learner progression in an expanding intervention model. In Proceedings of the 23rd Annual National Congress of the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa (pp. 313–324). Port Elizabeth: AMESA.
Stott et al AMESA 2017 LP presentation
Stott et al AMESA 2017 long paper
Stott, D. (2017). Plenary paper: Progressive progress and profiling: Progression spectra for teachers. In T. Penlington & C. Chikiwa (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd Annual National Congress of the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa (pp. 38–45). Port Elizabeth: AMESA.
Stott AMESA 2017 plenary presentation
Stott AMESA 2017 plenary paper
Stott, D. (2017). Workshop: Progressive development and profiling: Progression spectra for mathematics teachers. In T. Penlington & C. Chikiwa (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd Annual National Congress of the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa. Port Elizabeth: AMESA.
Stott AMESA 2017 workshop presentation
Stott, D. (2017). Developing number sense in Foundation and Intermediate Phase learners. Learning and Teaching Mathematics, 22, 15–19.
Stott, D. (2017). Researching the nature of early numeracy progression in after school clubs. In M. Graven & H. Venkat (Eds.), Improving Primary Mathematics Education, Teaching and Learning Research for Development in Resource-Constrained Contexts (pp. 45–60). Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan UK.
Stott, D., Mofu, Z. A., & Ndongeni, S. (2017). Chapter 5: Adapting aspects of the mathematics recovery programme for use in various South African contexts. In M. Graven & H. Venkat (Eds.), Improving Primary Mathematics Education, Teaching and Learning Research for Development in Resource-Constrained Contexts. (pp. 61-78). Hampshire, UK: Palgrave Macmillan UK.
2016 Publications
Stott, D. (2016). Stott - 2016 - Using arrays for multiplication in the Intermediate Phase. Learning and Teaching Mathematics, (21), 6–10.
Stott, D. (2016). Using arrays for conceptual understanding of multiplication and division. Learning and Teaching Mathematics, (20), 3–6. doi:10.1017/CBO9781107415324.004
Stott, D., Maritz, A., & Williams, S. (2016). Family maths events in Grahamstown after-school programmes - A community approach. In S. A. Paphits & D. Hornby (Eds.), Rhodes University Community Engaged Learning Symposium (pp. 55–56). Grahamstown, South Africa: Rhodes University. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4451.9284?
Stott, D. (2016). Making sense of the ZPD: An organising framework for mathematics education research. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 20(1), 25–34. doi:10.1080/10288457.2016.1148950
Stott - 2016 - Five years on learning programme design for primary after-school maths clubs in South Africa. In W. Mwakapenda, T. Sedumedi, & M. Makgato (Eds.), PROCEEDINGS OF THE 24TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE SOUTHERN AFRICAN ASSOCIATION FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION (SAARMSTE) 2016 (pp. 250–260). Pretoria, South Africa: Tshwane University of Technology.
2015 Publications
Stott, D. (2015). Using fluency activities in after school maths clubs to enhance learner performance in the primary grades. Journal of Educational Studies: Special Issue on Breaking Barriers Hindering Learner Performance, (Special Issue), 181–202.
Graven, Stott - 2015 - Families enjoying Maths together-organising a family Maths event Learning and Teaching Mathematics, 19, 3–6.
Stott, D., & Graven, M. (2015). Adapting number talks to foreground mathematical progression in South African classrooms. In J. Novotná & H. Moraová (Eds.), Developing mathematical language and reasoning - International Symposium Elementary Maths Teaching (pp. 311–321). Prague: Charles University, Faculty of Education, Prague. Presentation: SEMT 2015-Stott & Graven Number Talks presentation
Graven, M., Stott, D., Mofu, Z. A., & Ndongeni, S. (2015). Identifying stages of numeracy proficiency to enable remediation of foundational knowledge using the Learning Framework in Number. In D. Huillet (Ed.), 23rd Annual Meeting of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE): Mathematics, Science and Technology Education for Empowerment and Equity (pp. 69–83). Maputo, Mozambique: SAARMSTE.
SAARMSTE LFIN Presentation 2015
Stott, D. (2015). Confronting, navigating and resolving research tensions. In D. Huillet (Ed.), 23rd Annual Meeting of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE): Mathematics, Science and Technology Education for Empowerment and Equity (pp. 211–221). Maputo, Mozambique: SAARMSTE.
SAARMSTE Research tensions presentation 2015
2014 Publications
Stott, D. (2014). “I’ve got it!” - A card game for developing number sense and fluency. Learning and Teaching Mathematics, (17), 3–6.
Graven, M., & Stott, D. (2014, January). Engaging families in maths. theTeacher, pp. 6 & 8. Johannesburg.
Stott, D., 2014. A theoretical comparison of the zone of proximal development in mathematics educaton. In New avenues to transform Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. Port Elizabeth: Routledge, pp. 101–102.
Stott, D., 2014. After-school maths clubs add up to learning + fun. Grocotts Mail, p.14.
2013 Publications
Stott, D., 2013. Stomp-Tap-Clap-Snap: A game for promoting conceptual place value and listening skills. Learning and Teaching Mathematics, 15, pp.31–32.
Stott, D., 2013. Make It Count Series. Grocotts Mail.
Graven, M. & Stott, D., 2013. Maths clubs as critical learning spaces for Early Childhood teachers and learners. In Quality in Question: Proceedings of Regional SARAECE Conference. East London: SARAECE.
Stott, D. & Graven, M., 2013. Starting after school maths clubs for grades 3 and 4.In Quality in Question: Proceedings of Regional SARAECE Conference. East London: SARAECE.
Graven, M., Hewana, D. & Stott, D., 2013. The Evolution of an Instrument for Researching Young Mathematical Dispositions. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 17(1-2), pp.26–37
Stott, D., & Graven, M. (2013). Research tensions with the use of timed numeracy fluency assessments as a research tool. Perspectives in Education: Special Issue on Primary Mathematics, 31(3), 79–93.
Stott, D., & Graven, M. (2013). The dialectical relationship between theory and practice in the design of an after-school mathematics club. Pythagoras, 34(1), 10 pages.
? In Z. Davis & S. Jaffer, eds. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Congress of the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa, Vol. 1. Bellville, Cape Town: Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa (AMESA), pp. 194–208.
Stott, D. et al., 2013. Using dice and card games in mental maths sessions In Z. Davis & S. Jaffer, eds. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Congress of the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa, Vol. 2. Bellville, Cape Town: Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa (AMESA), pp. 61–63.
Stott, D., 2013.A Quick Tool for Tracking Procedural Fluency Progress in Grade 2, 3 and 4 Learners. Learning and Teaching Mathematics, (14), pp.36–39.
Stott, D., 2013. Number Line Image Generator – A Website Review. Learning and Teaching Mathematics, (14), pp.22–25.
Stott, D., & Graven, M. (2013). Procedural spectrums: translating qualitative data into visual summaries?. In M. Ogunniyi, O. Amosun, K. Langenhoven, S. Kwofie, & S. Dinie (Eds.), Making Mathematics, Science And Technology Education, Socially And Culturally Relevant In Africa: Proceedings Of 21st Annual Meeting Of The Southern African Association For Research In Mathematics, Science And Technology Education (pp. 55–66). Cape Town: University of the Western Cape (UWC).
Kaulinge, P. O., Graven, M., & Stott, D. (2013). Investigating the nature of learning within an after-school mathematics club using the ZPD – a case study of four learners. In M. Ogunniyi, O. Amosun, K. Langenhoven, S. Kwofie, & S. Dinie (Eds.), Making Mathematics, Science And Technology Education, Socially And Culturally Relevant In Africa: Proceedings Of 21st Annual Meeting Of The Southern African Association For Research In Mathematics, Science And Technology Education. Cape Town: University of the Western Cape (UWC)
2012 and 2011 Publications
Kaulinge, P. O., Graven, M., & Stott, D. (2013). Investigating the nature of learning within an after-school mathematics club using the ZPD – a case study of four learners. In M. Ogunniyi, O. Amosun, K. Langenhoven, S. Kwofie, & S. Dinie (Eds.), Making Mathematics, Science And Technology Education, Socially And Culturally Relevant In Africa: Proceedings Of 21st Annual Meeting Of The Southern African Association For Research In Mathematics, Science And Technology Education. Cape Town: University of the Western Cape (UWC)
Stott, D. (2012). Tracking Procedural Fluency Progress in Grade 3 Maths Clubs. In M. Graven & H. Venkatakrishnan, eds. Early Childhood Education Research and Development Week. Grahamstown: Rhodes University.
Graven, M., & Stott, D. (2012). Fun with Maths Series. Grocotts Mail. Grahamstown.
Graven, M. and Stott, D. (2012) Design Issues for Mathematics Clubs for Early Grade Learners. In Nampota, D. & Kazima, M. (eds) Proceedings of the twentieth annual meeting of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, pp 94-105 University of Malawi, Lilongwe.
Graven, M., Stott, D. (2012) Conceptualising procedural fluency as a spectrum of proficiency. In Nieuwoudt, S., Laubscher, D. and Dreyer, H. (eds) Proceedings of 18th Annual National Congress of the Association for Mathematical Education of South Africa (AMESA), pp. 146-156 North-West University, Potchefstroom
Graven, M., Stott, D. (2011). Exploring Online Numeracy Games for Primary Learners: Sharing Experiences of a Scifest Africa Workshop. A Journal of AMESA, August 2011. 10 - 16
Community engagement, invited events and conferences
2017 Events and News
Sept: Invited speaker an annual Community of Practice forum in Pretoria
June: Invited plenary speaker at annual AMESA conference in PE
Mar: Took part in a Motivation Workshop for Rhodes Education PGCE students and local teachers. I shared maths games (using cards and dice) with the attendees, as an aspect of Mastery.
Feb: Invited to speak at the Foundation Phase parents evening at Kingswood College on how to help children with mathematics at home. Resources on our Family Page
2016 Events and News
June: Debbie is one of the faciliators at annual SAARMSTE Research School, held at Mpekweni in the Eastern Cape (hosted by Rhodes University).
May: Debbie and colleagues from Lebone Centre presented at the 2nd RU Community Engaged Learning Symposium
Abstract: Family maths events in Grahamstown after-school programmes - A community approach
Presentation: RUCES presentation May 2016-Stott Maritz Williams
2015 Events and News
Oct: Invited to be guest speaker at Ntaba Maria Primary school prize giving
May: Plenary speaker at 1st Community Engaged Research Symposium organised by Rhodes University. More..
Jan: Presentations at 23rd Annual Meeting of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE) in Maputo, Mozambique
2014 Events and News
2nd Dec: Guest speaker at Shaw Park prize giving. Her 10 minute talk focused on changing our mindsets about maths and on the power of struggling with maths. Mistakes are opportunities for new learning and for growing our children's brains. ?? Photos
28th Oct: Plenary speaker at the 2014 PGCE (FP & IP) RESEARCH CONFERENCE. Her talk was entitled: After school maths clubs as enabling spaces for both recovery and extension of mathematical proficiency in young learners
23rd Oct: Invited to speak at the opening of the Education Department's Community Engagement Day. Her talk was entitled: DAS-Research and development enabling each other?
2nd Oct: Won The Rhodes University Community Engagement Research Student Researcher of the year award
13th Sept: Invited to be the Plenary speaker at the Regional Eastern Cape AMESA conference which took place at the Butterworth campus of Walter Sisulu University. The title of her talk was Pushing for Progression. She also ran a multiplcation workshop for the Intermediate Phase strand which focussed on strategies for developing learner conceptual understanding in multiplication. Resources for this can be found here. Plenary presentation slides: EC AMESA 2014-Pushing for Progression. She also spoke about Number Talks, click here for these resources.
20th June: invited by the Port Elizabeth District to talk to their 240 educators about clubs! She was ably assisted by Varonique.
Last Modified: Mon, 18 Feb 2019 10:48:26 SAST