Book: Lessons from the Kalahari


Lessons from the Kalahari - Edited by Professor Monica Hendricks and Dr Guilietta Harrison
Lessons from the Kalahari - Edited by Professor Monica Hendricks and Dr Guilietta Harrison

Lessons from the Kalahari: Tracking Teachers' Professional Development explores how Northern Cape teachers, who were enrolled in a Bachelor of Education (in-service) course, responded to three professional?development modules specialising in mathematics education, English language teaching, and Foundation Phase teaching, respectively. Mainly through fine-grained analyses of their classroom practice, the studies in this volume demonstrate how these teachers grappled with new content knowledge and pedagogical innovations to improve the quality of teaching in their classrooms. The chapters include case studies that range across a variety of pedagogical topics, including mathematics and English teachers' classroom practices, involvement of parents of Foundation Phase learners, and learners' autonomous mathematics learning.

Monica Hendricks is Director of the Institute for the Study of the Englishes of Africa at Rhodes University; South Africa She teaches and coordinates an under-graduate course for teachers of English as an additional language, mostly in rural schools, and supervises post-graduate research.

Giulietta Harrison was the Director of the Centre for Social Development at Rhodes University, South Africa She has most recently taken up the post of Executive Director for Africa A+ Schools, which aims to improve the quality of early childhood education in under privileged contexts. 


Lessons from the Kalahari

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