
Rhodes>Psychology>People>Megan Campbell

Professor Megan Campbell

Associate Professor & Counselling Psychologist

Coordinator of the Professional Training in Counselling Psychology

MA Counselling Psychology, PhD (Rhodes University)

Registered Counselling Psychologist (HPCSA No: PS 0110892)


Phone: +27(0)46 603 7382

Psychology Clinic 


Having started my career as a Psychometrist and Lay Counsellor, I completed my
professional training as a Counselling Psychologist in 2009 with an internship at the
Rhodes Clinic and the Student Counselling Centre. I was particularly drawn to
relational psychotherapy, and gained experience working with children using non-
directive play therapy and adults in individual and couple therapy modalities. I joined
the PsySSA Counselling Psychology division as vice-chair and developed a
passionate interest in the professional practice and identity of counselling
psychology. Three years later I graduated with my PhD which included a visiting
scholarship at the Universities of Tilburg and Amsterdam in the Netherlands. My PhD
exposed me to crucial debates in the assessment field about the problems
associated with universal applications of psychiatric nosology, the role of idioms of
distress and explanatory illness models in symptom presentation and treatment, and
the value of the cultural formulation. In 2013 I moved to Cape Town and joined the
UCT Psychiatry Department as a research fellow. Funded by WHO, I co-ordinated
South African field studies evaluating the clinical utility of proposed ICD-11 revisions
to diagnostic criteria for sexuality-related conditions. I then joined the Genomics of
Schizophrenia in South African Xhosa people (SAX) study, funded by the US NIMH.
I led work on the ethics of psychiatric genomics and culturally specific explanatory
illness models pertaining to schizophrenia and its related symptoms, in our study
sample. I was also a collaborator on a UK Wellcome Trust project that explored the
contribution African philosophy and knowledge could make in the field of global
mental health. Currently I am growing a body of research on local couple therapy
interventions. Over the years I’ve continued to grow my psychotherapy practice with
a focus on relational psychotherapy and most recently completed my clinical training
in Imago Therapy and Emotion-Focused Psychotherapy. My psychotherapy
approach draws from shorter term solution-focused and cognitive behaviour therapy
models and longer term psychodynamic principles.     
Current teaching Areas

  • Psychometrics and assessment
  • Couples therapy
  • Crisis intervention

Research Interests

I am particularly interested in couple therapy research and would encourage
prospective Masters and PhD students interested in this area of practice to contact
me to discuss possible research ideas. 
Grants and Awards
2021    Primary Investigator: South Africa-Ethiopia collaboration: Counselling
psychology and couple therapy. PI: Megan Campbell: (NIHSS) Mobility Award
2019    Collaborator: Re-examining the global in Global Mental Health: African
understandings of mental disorder and intellectual disability. PI: Camillia Kong:
Wellcome Trust  
2015    Co-investigator: Stigma in genomics research on schizophrenia and
rheumatic heart disease. PI: Jantina De Vires: National Institute of Health (NIH)
Stigma and Ethics Grant (Grant number: 1U01HG008226-01)
2013    Co-investigator: Gender:Incongruence of Adolescence and Adulthood: field
studies of clinical utility in a South African context. World Health Organisation
2023 Rhodes University Vice Chancellor’s Distinguished Community Engagement
2014     Knowledge Interchange and Collaboration award - NRF
2014     URC University of Cape Town Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship
2012     South African-UV University Amsterdam-Strategic Alliance
2011     South African Netherlands Research Programme on Alternative
2010 Andrew Mellon Citizens Scholarship
Invited speaker

  • Global Mental Health Programme - Columbia University, Manhattan,
    New York, December 2016: Topic: Traditional healers and global
    mental health

  • Pharmacogenomics and Precision Medicine Conference – Cape Town,
    South Africa, April 2016: Topic: Building relationships through
    community engagement
  • H3Africa Community Engagement workshop – Stellenbosch, Wester
    Cape, South Africa, March 2016: Topic: Evaluation strategies for
    Community engagement on Stigma in African Genomics study
  • H3Africa Community Engagement workshop – Livingston, Zambia, May
    2015: Topic: Community engagement on the SAX study

Working Groups

  • African Ethics Working Group on Neuropsychiatric
    Genomics funded by Oxford University, 2016-2018
  • H3Africa Ethics, Regulatory Issues and Community Engagement
    Working Group funded by the US NIH, 2013-2018

Psychological Health and Distress

Shabalala, S., & Campbell, M.M. (2023). The Complexities of Trans Women’s
Access to Healthcare in South Africa: Moving Health Systems Beyond the
Gender Binary Towards Equity. International Journal of Equity in Health.

Kong, C., Campbell, M., Kpobi, L., Swartz, L., & Atuire, C. (2021). The hermeneutics
of recovery: facilitating dialogue between African and Western mental health
frameworks. Transcultural Psychiatry.

Temmingh, H., Susser, E., Mall, S., Campbell, M., Sibeko, G., & Stein, D. J. (2021).
Prevalence and clinical correlates of substance use disorders in South African
Xhosa patients with schizophrenia. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric
Epidemiology, 56(4), 695-706.

Mall, S., Platt, J. M., Temmingh, H., Musenge, E., Campbell, M., Susser, E., & Stein,
D. J. (2020). The relationship between childhood trauma and schizophrenia in
the Genomics of Schizophrenia in the Xhosa people (SAX) study in South
Africa. Psychological medicine, 50(9), 1570-1577.

Campbell, M.M., Sibeko, G., Mall, S., Baldinger, A., Nagdee, M., Susser, E., &
Stein, D.J. (2017). The content of delusions in a sample of South African
Xhosa people with schizophrenia. BMC Psychiatry, 17,41: DOI

Campbell, M.M., Fresan, A., Addinall, R.M., Bohmke, W., Grobler, G.P., Marias, A.,
Wilson, D., Stein, D.J., Reed, G., & Robles, R. (2017) Experiences of gender
incongruence and the relationship between social exclusion, psychological
distress and dysfunction among South African transgender adults. A field-
study for ICD-11. Annuls of Clinical Psyciatry.

Campbell, M.M., Robles, R., Khoury, B., Daouk, S.,Vieira, D.L., & Stein, D.J. (2016).
Sexuality-related conditions: a multi-stakeholder approach to explore
feasibility of field-testing ICD-11 revisions in developing countries.
International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation.

Campbell, M.M., & Stein, D.J. (2016). Hypersexual Disorder. In Petry, N.
Behavioural Addictions: DSM 5 and Beyond Oxford University Press.

Campbell, M.M., & Stein, D.J. (2016). Depression and anxiety disorders. In Mezzich,
J, Botbol, M, Christodoulou, G, Cloninger, R &Salloum, I. Person Centered
Psychiatry. Springer Verlag: Heidelberg.

Campbell, M.M., Artz, L., & Stein, D.J. (2015) Sexual disorders in the DSM and ICD:
a conceptual framework. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 28: 435-439.

Campbell, M.M., & Stein, D.J. (2014a). Sexual health in the South African context:
Guest Editorial. South African Medical Journal,104,6,439

Campbell, M.M., & Stein, D.J. (2014b). Sexual dysfunction: a review of South
African research. South African Medical Journal,104,6,440-444.

Ramlachan, P., & & Campbell M.M. (2014a). An integrative treatment model for
patients with sexual dysfunctions. South African Medical Journal, 104,6,445.
Ramlachan, P., & Campbell M.M. (2014b). Male sexual dysfunction. South African
Medical Journal,104,6,447.

Campbell, M.M., & Stein, D.J. (2014c). Hypersexual disorder in general practice.
South African Medical Journal, 104,6,448.

Wilson, D., Marais, A., de Villiers, A., Addinall, R., Campbell, M.M., & the
Transgender Unit. (2014). Transgender issues in South Africa, with particular
reference to the Groote Schuur Hospital Transgender Unit. South African
Medical Journal, 104,6,449.

Young, C., & Campbell, M.M. (2013). Student wellbeing at a university in post-
apartheid South Africa: A comparison with a British University sample. British
Journal of Guidance and Counseling, DOI:10.1080/03069885.2013.779638

Campbell, M.M., & Knoetze, J.J. (2010). Repetitive symbolic play as a therapeutic
process in child-centred play therapy. International Journal of Play Therapy,
19, 4, 222-234.

Assessment and Tool Translation for cross-cultural use

Matshabane, O. P., Faure, M. C., Appelbaum, P. S., Marshall, P. A., Stein, D. J., de
Vries, J., & Campbell, M. M. (2023). Lessons learned from the translation of
the Internalised Stigma of Mental Illness (ISMI) scale into isiXhosa for use
with South African Xhosa people with schizophrenia. Transcultural

Brohan, E., Thornicroft, G., Rüsch, N., Lasalvia, A., Campbell, M. M., Yalç?nkaya-
Alkar, Ö., ... & Evans-Lacko, S. (2022). Measuring discrimination experienced
by people with a mental illness: replication of the short-form DISCUS in six
world regions. Psychological Medicine, 1-11.

Scott, J. C., Moore, T. M., Stein, D. J., Pretorius, A., Zingela, Z., Nagdee, M.,
Campbell, M ... & Gur, R. C. (2021). Adaptation and validation of a
computerized neurocognitive battery in the Xhosa of South
Africa. Neuropsychology, 35(6), 581.

Kamaara, E., Kong, C., & Campbell, M. (2020). Prioritising African perspectives in
psychiatric genomics research: Issues of translation and informed
consent. Developing world bioethics, 20(3), 139-149.

Campbell, M.M., & Young, C. (2016). A Xhosa language translation of the CORE-
OM using South African university student samples.Transcultural Psychiatry

Campbell, M.M., & Young, C. (2011). Introducing the CORE-OM within a South
African Context: the validation of the CORE-OM using a South African student
population sample. South African Journal of Psychology, 41, 4, 488-502

Community Engagement, Ethics and Mental Health Stigma

Campbell, M.M., Matshabane, O., Mqulwane, S., Mndini, M., Nagdee, M., Stein, D.,
& de Vries, J. (2021). Evaluating community engagement strategies to
manage stigma in two African genomics studies involving people living with
schizophrenia or Rheumatic Heart Disease, Global Health, Epidemiology and

Matshabane, O. P., Campbell, M. M., Faure, M. C., Appelbaum, P. S., Marshall, P.
A., Stein, D. J., & de Vries, J. (2021). The role of causal knowledge in stigma
considerations in African genomics research: Views of South African Xhosa
people. Social Science & Medicine, 277, 113902.

Matshabane, O. P., Campbell, M. M., Faure, M. C., Marshall, P. A., Mayosi, B. M.,
Stein, D. J., ... & de Vries, J. (2021). Exploring how a genetic attribution to
disease relates to stigma experiences of Xhosa patients with schizophrenia in
South Africa. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 55, 1679-1686.
Kong, C., Efrem, M., & Campbell, M. (2020). Education versus screening: the use of
capacity to consent tools in psychiatric genomics. Journal of medical
ethics, 46(2), 137-143.

Millum, J., Campbell, M.M., Luna, F., Melkzadeh, A., & Karim, Q.A. (2019). Ethical
challenges in global health-related stigma research. BMC Medicine, 17:84.

Campbell, M.M., de Vries, J., S., Mqulwana, S.G., Mndini, M.M., Ntola, Jonker, D.,
Malan, M., Pretorius, A., Zingela, Z., Van Wyk, S., & Stein, D.J., & Susser, E.
(2018). Predictors of consent to cell line creation and immortalization in a
South African schizophrenia genomics study. BMC Medical Ethics, 19:72.

Campbell, M.M., Susser, E., Mall, S., Mqulwana, S.G., Mndini, M.M., Ntola, O.A.,
Zingela, Z., Van Wyk, S., & Stein, D.J. (2017). Using iterative learning to
improve understanding during the informed consent process in a South
African psychiatric genomics study. PloS one, 12(11), e0188466.

Tindana, P., Campbell, M., Marshall, P., Little, K., Vincent, R., Seeley, J., Kumuya,
D., and the H3African Community Engagement Working Group. (2017).Developing the science and methods of community engagement for genomics research and biobanking in Africa. Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics. DOI:,

Campbell, M.M., Susser, E., de Vries, J., … & Stein, D. (2015). Exploring the role of
a Community Advisory Board in a South African schizophrenia genomics
study. BMC Medical Ethics, 16: 45 (DOI 10.1186/s12910-015-0037-5)

Munung, NS., Marshall, P., Campbell, MM.. & the Ethics and Regulatory Working
Gorup of the H3 Africa Consortium. (2015). Obtaining informed consent for
genomics research in Africa: Analysis of H3Africa consent documents. BMC
Medical Ethics.

Tindana, P., de Vries, J., Campbell, M., … & the Ethics and Regulatory Working
Group of the H3 Africa Consortium. (2015). Community engagement
strategies for genomics studies in Africa: a review of the literature. BMC
Medical Ethics 16:24 (DOI 10.1186/s12910-015-0014-z)

Clough, B., Campbell, M.M., Zarean, M., Aliyeva, T., Mateo, N., & O’Donovan, A.
(2013). Protocols for protection of human participants: a comparison of five
countries. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 8, 3.

Completed Postgraduate
Olivia Mashabane. (2019). PhD Medicine, UCT: Stigma in genomics research on
schizophrenia and rheumatic heart disease (co-supervisor)

Deneo Sakese. (2023). Masters in Counselling Psychology, Rhodes: Distress and
coping strategies reported by a sample of South African university staff in reaction to
the COVID-19 pandemic (supervisor) registered Jan 2021, submitted and passed
October 2023.

Siphuxolo Bikwe. (2023). Masters in Counselling Psychology, Rhodes:
Constructions of ukuyalwa and marriage satisfaction: experiences of Xhosa couples
in the Eastern Cape (supervisor) registered Jan 2021, submitted and passed Feb
Siyanda Shabalala. (2022). Masters in Clinical Psychology, Rhodes: Patterns of
inclusion and exclusion among transgender women in South Africa: a critical
narrative enquiry (supervisor) registered Jan 2021, submitted and passed Dec 2022.

Judith Bosche. (2019). MMed Psychiatry, UCT: HIV status and subjective-wellbeing
in a sample of Xhosa people with schizophrenia in South Africa (co-supervisor)


Last Modified: Tue, 20 Feb 2024 15:56:30 SAST