

Dr. Liezille Jacobs (a newly appointed senior lecturer at Rhodes University’s Psychology Department) was invited to a roundtable discussion at Parliament


Dr. Liezille Jacobs
Dr. Liezille Jacobs

Dr. Liezille Jacobs (a newly appointed senior lecturer at Rhodes University’s Psychology Department) was invited to a roundtable discussion at Parliament on the 28 February 2018. She was hosted by the Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office who’s directive is to engage with experts to solicit public opinion on policy and then submit their findings to the relevant Parliament portfolio committees including state departments in order to influence policymakers. The roundtable discussion was on the first 1000 days of a child's life which includes their fetal development. Dr. Jacobs input on the panel discussion was related to her research on why pregnant women drink in secret. She focussed her talk on current legislation that bans the selling of alcohol to pregnant women in order to prevent fetal harm but questioned who will enforce this regulation and what implications do policing alcohol exposed pregnancies have on women's access to prenatal care? Dr. Jacobs suggested that an ethically appropriate and effective response to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) prevention requires a coordinated multifaceted approach that does not penalise, but instead aims to assist women with alcohol use disorder and in doing so, consequently prevent FASD. Joining Dr. Jacobs on the panel was Dr. Leana Olivier, CEO, Foundation for Alcohol Related Research – FARR) and Professor Lisanne du Plessis (Head of Community Nutrition, Division of Human Nutrition, Stellenbosch University).P