
Rhodes>PRIMOR>People>Mamello Thokoa

Mamello Thokoa

Mamello is an international student who hails from Maseru, Lesotho. She completed her BSc degree in 2015 majoring in geology and environmental science. This is an undertaking she took to feed both her curiosity about the history and processes of earth as well as to learn ways to better preserve it.  She further went on to complete her BSc with honours degree in geology the following year. 

For her MSc she conducted a project that revisits one of the largest manganese and iron deposits in South Africa; the Postmasburg Manganese Field.  Her study interrogates two manganese end-members; the western and eastern belt deposits of the Maremane dome, to better understand the origin of these manganese deposits. Using geochemistry, petrography and mineralogy, the study aims to provide new insights on the processes responsible for their genesis, specifically looking at the possibility of a hydrothermal influence, which would explain the alkali mineral assemblages that have been previously reported in these deposits. 

In her spare times, Mamello is usually with friends, working out, reading a book, or cooking and trying out new recipes.  She also loves to volunteer at local orphanages.


Project Title: A comparative mineralogical and geochemical study of manganese deposits in the Postmasburg Manganese Field, South Africa.


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Last Modified: Thu, 21 May 2020 10:49:21 SAST