

Starting the postgraduate journey with a map

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CPGS Welcome Event
CPGS Welcome Event

By Thandokazi Silosini, MA in Political and International studies student


The Centre for Postgraduate Studies (CPGS) officially opened the year’s programme by hosting a welcome event for all postgraduate students.

Barratt 2 lecture theatre was full and the energy was palpable as individuals opened the poster provided to all attendees mapping out what they can expect as support in the coming year.  

Dr Peter Clayton, Deputy Vice Chancellor of Research and Development, noted that the CPGS is a useful space for postgrad students and encouraged students to capitalise on all the opportunities that it offers.

The University is investing more in postgraduate studies as a third of the Rhodes student body is made up of postgraduate students. Rhodes University is one of five research-intensive universities in the country that brings responsibilities for contribution to knowledge production. With 35% of all research and development in the country being produced by postgraduate students, the role of postgraduate education is vital to the country’s development.

The director of the CPGS, Professor Sioux McKenna, encouraged postgrads to take up every opportunity offered by CPGS. One of the aims of CPGS is to facilitate the building of interdisciplinary networks and collaboration among students across fields. Prof McKenna noted that one needs a good support structure and building good networks is a part of that structure. Furthermore, it is a step in the direction of building knowledge that can transcend disciplinary boundaries. All the programs that CPGS will be offering this year are in some way geared toward this goal.

Postgrads can sign up for events at the CPGS website: /postgraduategateway/

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