This year the RU Scholarship division is once again advertising a range of scholarships for postgraduate studies at Rhodes University. These scholarships support scholars in a range of different faculties and we welcome both Rhodes University graduates and scholars from other universities to apply.
One of the more prestigious scholarships now on offer is the Ruth First scholarship. This sought after scholarship seeks scholars who are working on complex societal questions that are oriented towards social justice and transformation of society. This scholarship is mainly for those in humanities and social sciences disciplines such as politics, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, economics, social policy, democracy studies, development studies, media studies, or studies in cognate disciplines with a strong social and human rights orientation. For philosophy postgraduates, there is the David Ryan Memorial scholarship, which allows honours, masters and PhDs to apply.
Rhodes University offers a number of bursaries for postgraduates in a range of different areas at honours, masters and PhD levels. Each year Rhodes University is able to fund approximately 700 postgraduate scholars from this fund. External funders, such as the National Research Foundation, also offer free standing scholarships for postgraduate studies at honours, masters, PhD and postdoctoral levels. Visit the NRF website to apply as applications for these scholarships close soon (7 August 2015). Rhodes University currently has 138 Scholars on NRF scholarships of various kinds.
There are also bursaries for honours, masters and doctoral scholars which are focused on supporting the development of one of South Africa's great scientific projects, the Square Kilometer Array Project. Rhodes University has a SARCHI Chair and programme focusing on aspects of the SKA's development, making Rhodes an attractive possibility for studies in this area. And responding to critical research needs in the Forestry, Fisheries and Agriculture sector are dedicated bursaries offered by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. These bursaries are especially for scholars from rural areas, where capacity for agriculture, forestry and fisheries development is ever more urgent as water scarcity, climate change and other challenges affect food security, our natural resources and their management.
Rhodes University has also invested in expanding its postdoctoral fellowship programme and applications are now being invited for 2016 postdoctoral fellowships in a range of faculties and departments. Postdoctoral fellowships should be applied for through Heads of Departments or Directors of Research Institutes with application forms available on
At Rhodes today over 60% of postgraduate scholars are receiving financial aid through the University’s scholarship and bursary programme. Here is a list of some of the scholarships that are currently being advertised and their closing dates:
- Rhodes Postdoctoral Fellowships: Applications are invited for 2016 [Closing date: 31 July 2015]
- New Scholarships: Rhodes University Postgraduate Scholarships for 2016 [Closing date: 15 July 2015]
- New Scholarships: Ruth First Scholarship for 2016 [Closing date: 31 July 2015]
- New Scholarships: David Ryan Memorial Scholarship for Studies in Philosophy 2016 [Closing date: 3 August 2015]
- Bursary Awards: The South African Square Kilometre Array Project for PhD and MSc / MEng Bursaries for 2016 [Closing date: 31 August 2015]
- Honours Bursaries: South African Square Kilometre Array Project Undergraduate and Honours Bursary Programme [Closing date: 25 September 2015]
- Bursary Awards: The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Bursary Awards for 2016 [Closing date: 30 September 2015]
Further opportunities will be advertised shortly. More detailed information on scholarships currently on offer and open for application can be obtained at
Also keep an eye on the postgraduategateway for regular updates. There you will also find a colorful booklet on postgraduate scholarships at Rhodes University. This booklet contains information the scholarships and bursaries and how they help to facilitate successful postgraduate studies and academic pathways.