

Next Generation Leaders in Addressing Global Challenges

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Pratik Chhetri, visiting Research Fellow at the Faculty of Pharmacy,  will share his experiences of working for the international non-profit organisation, UAEM (Universities Allied for Essential Medicines). UAEM is primarily a student-initiated, student-led global coalition toward mitigating various access-to-medicines related disparities, through advocacy and policy recommendations. Currently, he serves as UAEM's 'LMIC Chapter Coordinator' where he is primarily focusing on student- and youth empowerment in low-and-middle-income countries. Pratik also sits on the executive team of another global youth based organisation, Young Professionals Chronic Disease Network (YP-CDN) serving as Conference and Advocacy Coordinator.

Come along to hear about Pratik?s experiences and share how your own research interests relate to global concerns.

Venue: Eden Grove Seminar Room 2

Time and Date: Monday 22nd from 1pm to 2pm



Pratik was raised in Kathmandu, Nepal, but has been in the United States for the past 10 years where he has dedicated himself to mitigating health disparities from resource-poor communities. Such concerns do not reside only in the health disciplines, as access to medicine arises from structural inequalities requiring understandings from fields of history, sociology, psychology, water research, environmental studies, political studies, literature studies and so on. Tackling social ills requires shared commitment from youth with knowledge across disciplines.