

Visiting Lecturers


Our 2019 visitors were as follows:

Professor Ahmed Salem from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zayed in the United Arab Emirates, visited the department for a second time in Term 3 of 2019. Once again, he came to teach the course 'Critical and Non-Western International Relations Theory' to our postgraduate students. 


Dr John S. Sanni visited us for a second time in Term 1 of 2019. Dr Sanni taught a course on African Political Philosophy. 


Dr Paul-Simon Handy, Dr Kwaku Danso and Dr Andrews Atta-Asamoah all joined us as visiting lecturers to teach on our Peace and Conflict in Africa course. Dr Handy is a member of the United Nations Security Council Panel of Experts on the Central African Republic. Dr Danso is a Research Fellow at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC). Dr. Andrews Atta-Asamoah is a Research Associate at the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), Pretoria. 

Professor Adam Ashforth who is professor of Afroamerican and African Studies at the University of Michigan, came to visit us as our 2019 Nelson Mandela Visiting Professor. He taught a course entitled “Rhodes Curse: the Formation of the South African State”.


Professor Ahmed Salem is from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zayed in the United Arab Emirates, visited the department in Term 3. He came to teach the course 'Critical and Non-Western International Relations Theory' to our postgraduate students. Professor Salem's course focused on critiques of and alternatives to 'mainstream' International Relations theories. While he was here, Professor Salem also presented a seminar on the relations between the United States of America and Egypt after the Egypt Uprising. 

Professor Muhammed Haron is from the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Botswana, was a visiting lecturer in the department in Term 2. He came to teach the course 'Religion and International Relations' to our postgraduate students. This course explored  the relationship between Religion and IR. Several perspectives on the nature of religion throughout the 20th century and into the 21st century were examined. During his stay, Professor Haron also presented a seminar entitled 'ASEAN's Malaysia and SADC's South Africa: Comparative Approaches to Regionalism'.

John S. Sanni is a Nigerian scholar who obtained a BA honours in Philosophy from the University of Zimbabwe, and a master's degree in Abrahamic Religions from the University of London. Passionate about philosophy, he taught philosophy and religion related courses in Zimbabwe for two years (2012-2014) and worked as the Assistant Dean at Arrupe Jesuit School of Philosophy and Humanities for a year. He recently submitted his doctoral thesis at Stellenbosch University in the department of Philosophy. His research interest is in philosophy, especially African and continental philosophy, political science, religion, terrorism, peace and conflict resolution. In recent years, he has developed a research interest for political and international studies, especially from a philosophical perspective.

Dr Paul-Simon Handy is a member of the United Nations Security Council Panel of Experts on the Central African Republic. He was previously Head of Conflict Prevention and Risk Analysis at the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) in Pretoria. Dr Handy studied at the universities of Yaounde (Cameroon), Berlin (Germany) and Leipzig (Germany). His expertise is in the field of security and governance on the African continent. He has been a visiting lecturer in the Department since 2007.

Dr. Andrews Atta-Asamoah is a Research Associate at the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), Pretoria. He recently served on the United Nations Panel of Experts on South Sudan responsible for monitoring the conflict in that country. His research interests cut across various dimensions of African peace and security, including terrorism, small arms and light weapons proliferation, transnational security & statehood, drug trafficking, natural resources and the regional dimension of conflicts.

  • Professor Maria Regina Soares de Lima
  • Dr Paul-Simon Handy
  • Dr Isaias Chachine
  • Mr Mike Mavura
  • Mr Fabio Diaz

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