Project 4: Develop a Cost Benefit Analysis Tool
This project aims to develop a cost benefit analysis tool to support SETAs in the evaluation of skills planning activities. It seeks to take a systems approach to considering costs and benefits to include also indirect and non-financial costs and benefits in addition to direct and financial costs and benefits which are often easier to identify and quantify. The project is proposed as a collaboration with SETAS, drawing on current practices to explore direct, indirect, financial and non-financial costs and benefits for the individual, for the economy through specific economic sectors and for society as a whole. The project plan involves the evaluation of 3-4 WBL activities to surface costs and benefits – envisaged and incidental - associated with WBL and use this as a basis for developing the tool. The tool will then be piloted in 3-4 cases. The key output is an online tool, with a guidelines resource, allowing SETAs to adapt the tool in different contexts of skills development.
Last Modified: Mon, 29 Oct 2018 13:21:25 SAST