

NALSU News: NALSU's Mike Rogan invited as subject expert to 2023 Patna Summit of "Labour 20"/ L20"


2023 Patna Summit of the "Labour 20"/ L20
2023 Patna Summit of the "Labour 20"/ L20

NALSU NEWS: Mike Rogan (Neil Aggett Labour Studies Unit/ NALSU) was an invited delegate and subject expert at the 2023 Patna Summit of the "Labour 20"/ L20, held on the 22-23 June in Patna, India. His contribution was on gender, employment and social security. "Labour 20" / L20 is a formal part of the G20, representing the interests of workers at the G20  level: more information HERE.

Mike Rogan is Associate Professor in Economics and Economic History, an honorary research fellow at the HSRC’s Education and Skills Development Research Programme, and a research associate in the global research-policy-action network Women in Informal Employment: Globalising and Organising (WIEGO).