

Transformation, stratification and higher education: exploring the absorption into employment of public financial aid beneficiaries across the South African higher education system’


Prof Michael Rogan
Prof Michael Rogan

This article, published in the international journal- Higher Education- is based on research commissioned by NSFAS in 2018. M. Rogan, the co-PI of the study, together with colleagues from the HSRC and NSFAS, examines the unequal labour market outcomes across the higher education system in South Africa. The paper demonstrates some of the difficulties in redressing past inequalities in a ‘stratified’ higher education system within a deeply unequal society.

Angelique Wildschut, Michael Rogan and Bongiwe, Mncwango. (2020) ‘Transformation, stratification and higher education: exploring the absorption into employment of public financial aid beneficiaries across the South African higher education system’ Higher Education