

Mathematics 1C

MAT1C provides an introduction to mathematics for students intending to major in Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, or generally for science students who would like a rigorous foundation in mathematics. It is a full-year course comprising of two credits:

MAT 1C1 (Semester 1): Basic concepts (number systems, functions), calculus (limits, continuity, differentiation, curve sketching, introduction to integration), propositional calculus, proof techniques, permutations, combinations, binomial theorem, vectors, lines and planes, matrices and systems of linear equations. 

MAT 1C2 (Semester 2): Calculus (integration, applications of integration, improper integrals, ordinary differential equations), complex numbers, sequences and series including Taylor series.

Textbook and Course Material:
  • Prescribed textbook: James Stewart, Calculus (Early Transcendentals).

  • Course notes:  Departmental handouts.


ONE tutorial per week.


TWO class tests and ONE final examination (each semester).


Last Modified: Tue, 18 Apr 2023 07:23:45 SAST