

Mathematical Output

Research interests: geometric control theory; sub-Riemannian geometry; Lie theory; foliation theory; geometric structures


  • Control affine systems on semisimple three-dimensional Lie groups.  (with R Biggs)
  • Control systems on the orthogonal group SO(4).  (with RM Adams and R Biggs)
  • Cost-extended control systems on Lie groups.  (with R Biggs)
  • Quadratic Hamilton-Poisson systems on se(2)*. (with RM Adams and R Biggs)
  • Control affine systems on solvable three-dimensional Lie groups, II.  (with R Biggs)
  • Control affine systems on solvable three-dimensional Lie groups, I.  (with R Biggs)
  • A note on the affine subspaces of three-dimensional Lie algebras.  (with R Biggs)
  • Equivalence of control systems on the pseudo-orthogonal group SO(2,1). (with R Biggs)
  • On the equivalence of control systems on Lie groups.  (with R Biggs)

Published papers (recent)

  • Two-input control systems on the Euclidean group SE(2). ESAIM: COCV (2012) (in print) (with RM Adams and R Biggs)
  • Equivalence of control systems on the Euclidean group SE(2). Control. Cybernet. 41(3)(2012) (in print) (with RM Adams and R Biggs)
  • A category of control systems.  An. St. Univ. Ovidius Constanta 20(1)(2012), 355--368 (with R Biggs)
  • Optimal control on the rotation group SO(3). Carpathian J. Math. 28(2)(2012), 305--312
  • Single-input control systems on the Euclidean group SE(2). Eur. J. Pure Appl. Math. 5(1)(2012), 1--15  (with RM Adams and R Biggs)
  • Optimal control and integrability on Lie groups. An. Univ. Vest. Timis. Ser. Mat.-Inform. 49(2)(2011), 101--118
  • Optimal control and Hamilton-Poisson formalism. Int. J. Pure Appl. Math. 59(1)(2010), 11--17
  • On the tangential geometry of foliations. An. Univ. Vest Timis. Ser. Mat.-Inform. 46(1)(2008), 125--146
  • Note on an explicit isomorphism. An. Univ. Vest Timis. Ser. Mat.-Inform. 44(2)(2006), 135--141
  • Geometric fuzzification. Quaest. Math. 26 (2003), 147--161  (with G Lubczonok)

Proceedings to conferences

  • On the equivalence of cost-extended control systems on Lie groups. CONTROL 2012, Porto (Portugal), 60--65 (with R Biggs)
  • On the equivalence of control systems on the orthogonal group SO(4). CONTROL 2012, Porto (Portugal), 2012, 54--59 (with RM Adams and R Biggs)
  • Control and stability on the Euclidean group SE(2). ICAEM 2011, London (UK), 2011, 225--230
  • Integrability and optimal control. MTNS 2010, Budapest (Hungary), 2010, 1749--1754
  • Control and integrability on SO(3). ICAEM 2010, London (UK), 2010, 1705--1710

 Talks (at conferences, symposia, seminars, etc.)

  • Control and stability on the Euclidean group SE(2). ICAEM 2011, London, U.K. (July, 2011)
  • An optimal control problem on the Euclidean group SE(2). ICAAA 2011, Istanbul, Turkey (June 2011)
  • Integrability and optimal control. MTNS 2010, Budapest, Hungary (July 2010)
  • Control and integrability on SO(3). ICAEM 2010, London, UK  (July 2010)
  • Stability and optimal control. ICMS 2009, Istanbul, Turkey (August 2009)
  • Optimal control, stability and Hamilton-Poisson formalism. ICAMC 2008, Plovdiv, Bulgaria (August 2008)
  • Matrix Lie groups. RU Math. Seminar, Grahamstown, South Africa (September 2007)
  • Geometric fuzzification. Fuzzy Fest, RU, Grahamstown, South Africa (2001)
  • The tangential geometry of foliations. Internat. Colloq. Diff. Geom., Santiago de Compostela, Spain (July 1994)
  • Diffeological structures: a perspective. SAMS Congress, Port Elizabeth, South Africa (1994)
  • On the tangential geometry of foliations. SAMS Congress, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa (1993)
  • Transversally symplectic foliations. SAMS Congress, Cape Town, South Africa (1992)

Last Modified: Sat, 03 Nov 2012 11:21:38 SAST